
Thursday, February 11, 2010

Williams To Work Out For Steelers

Rider middle linebacker Renauld Williams is going to show his stuff to the Pittsburgh Steelers. Here's the link to the story---its at the bottom.

Thanks for the tip Terry!


  1. Anonymous2/11/2010

    Thanks for the "wonderful" news! Can it get any better? What's next, Durant is going to work out for someone!

  2. Anonymous2/11/2010

    Durant can't, he's under contract. I believe the Riders are trying to sign him to an extension so that he won't enter his option year.

    This is the price to pay when you have quality players and coaches - other teams will want them. It sucks to lose talent but it's better than having a bunch of dregs that no other teams would touch with a 10-foot pole.

  3. Anonymous2/11/2010

    This off-season just keeps getting better and better. No offence Rey, but I hope the Steelers hate what you showed them.
