
Friday, March 19, 2010

Get Ready For A Tax Hike

Not a big one, but a tax hike nonetheless...


  1. Anonymous3/19/2010

    The taxes in Regina have gone up every year that he has been in office with his friends on council. The fact is nobody asks the question, "Am I getting what I pay for". They like that he is a media celebrity, and hence on what 13% of eligible voters turned out. I don't have the exact figure, but it is a very low turnout. In the end you get exactly what you do or in this case don't vote for.

  2. Anonymous3/19/2010

    4 and a half percent is not acceptable, but affordable.
    I do agree with the above poster who talks about low voter turnout. Those upset with this should have cast a ballot. I'm guessing many didn't.

