
Saturday, April 10, 2010

Scrap Those 8 End Games

From Jim Bender of the Winnipeg Sun

There was a great sigh of relief earlier this week.
After much hue and cry about the possibility of reducing games to eight ends, the World Curling Federation decided to maintain the 10-end games at its AGM during the men’s world championship in Italy.
“All the feedback I’ve gotten from competitors is that they prefer the 10 ends, so we’re happy,” Curl Manitoba executive director Shane Ray said Friday. “Hopefully, this will be put to rest for a few more years now.”
The WCF also decided to keep tie-breakers. It was reportedly seeking ways to shave the length of championships by ditching tie-breakers and extra ends, and making games shorter for TV by reducing the number of ends.
The WCF also decided to continue with extra ends but cut the number of 60-second timeouts from two to one. Electric

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