
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tyler or Taylor? The Decision Is Yours Mr. Tambellini

Damaging winds one day, torrential rains the next. What else are we going to have go through in Regina weather-wise before summer comes. I just about became one of those people that gets trapped in a giant puddle. I was in Wascana Park getting ready to turn onto Broad. The car coming off of Broad into the park had a puddle to go through and he navigated through it fine. Of course, the road slants a little so there was a LOT more water on my side. When the water got up to my bumper, I was thinking OH NO and just get me to dry land. Thank god I did. If the rain did anything, it cleaned up what was a dirty looking city after the spring thaw. The city had been out cleaning some streets, but it was still pretty dingy looking in some areas. Need I remind you to find pools of water that have collected and drain them to avoid that pesky friend of summer from visiting---yes, I refer to the mosquito.
It wasn't really that big of a surprise, but the Edmonton Oilers are rewarded for their failure this season by getting the first overall draft pick in June as they win the lottery. There was no suspense in that baby whatsoever. Its now up to the Oilers to decide if they want to take Taylor Hall or Tyler Seguin with that first pick. Both young men are certainly destined to have solid NHL careers, but both are said to be can't miss prospects. The pressure will be on whoever to help turn the franchise around. It won't happen overnight, but hopefully for this Oiler fan, it will happen. I can only wonder with Sheldon Souray saying he wants out of Edmonton if the Oil could somehow package something up with Boston in order to get both Hall and Seguin. That would be something. I fear though that's just a fantasy. By the way, if you are an Oilers fan, the Edmonton Sun is asking what you would do if you were Steve Tambellini when it comes to keeping players and how would you make this team a playoff team in 5 moves. Lotsa luck! This just in--my answer involves that Eberle kid.
How many of you were in playoff drafts last night? How many of your drafts went the way you planned. What's your strategy when it comes to the draft? I try to get guys from the four teams I think will be in the conference finals. I'll give you my prediction on the Cup final and a Round 1 rundown before the puck drops.
As we get ready for the playoffs to start, I ask you what team looks solid in goal. Ok, lets re-phrase that, lets look at the goaltending of the Cup favourites. Guys like Antti Niemi, Jose Theodore, and Jimmy Howard will be carefully scrutinized as will tenders like Evgeni Nabokov, Roberto Luongo and Marty Brodeur. This is what makes this time of year so great.
I asked a couple of people about this on Tuesday and got a couple of different reactions. The story was NFL commish Roger Goodell meeting with Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger and whether or not Goodell will suspend Roethlisberger. Those that know me know I'm not a Steelers fan, but I don't know how Goodell can justify suspending Big Ben. Its obvious this guy needs to do some growing up when you look at the non-football incidents in his life, but he can't be suspended if he isn't facing criminal charges. He can be told by Goodell that he is at strike 2 and that he doesn't really want to see what happens if Strike 3 should occur. However, suspending him for objectionable conduct that has never gotten before the courts isn't a good enough reason. Goodell should be having a chat with Seahawks linebacker Leroy Hill if he wants to suspend someone. Still with Roethlisberger, what the hell is with his hair. Did you see him the other night when he spoke after word that the Georgia state D-A wasn't going ahead with charges. That's a bad lid you're sporting Ben, a bad lid indeed.
One of the best sporting events in Regina is underway. That is the WCP Cup Soccer tournament that is going on at Evraz Place. Its a little taste of the World Cup in our own backyard with many countries being represented. If you get a chance, go out and take a game or two in.
Roy who? Ricky Romero strikes out 12 and allows just one hit in eight innings of work as the Jays continue their great start to the season. Somewhere Rider PR man extraordinaire Ryan Whippler contemplates whether he should put an order in for Jays playoff tickets before its too late.
Vancouver eliminates Portland to move on to the West final against Tri-Cities. Will SHAW get their much-coveted Calgary-Vancouver final. I have no complaints with the fact we will see the Hitmen-Wheat Kings series.
Hugh Hefner says he does not want Kate Gosselin in Playboy. Thank you Mr. Hefner!
Enjoy your day and ask yourself this.....

When your photo is taken for your driver's license, why do they tell you to smile? If you are stopped by the police and asked for your license, are you going to be smiling?


  1. Mike from Vita, MB4/14/2010

    Interesting that a person be asked to smile for a driver's license, yet for passport pics, we are told NOT to smile. Go figure.

    Like Bob McKenzie said, there is NO team that is assured of getting to the Cup finals. Not to sound like a fence sitter, but the teams that make it to the final will have to be successful in all three phases of the game (offensive, defensive, and special teams). All teams have at least one deficiency, so this years playoffs will be a tossup. Here's hoping Phoenix can knock off Detroit.

  2. Anonymous4/14/2010

    A Devils-Wings final is what I have.
    I don't think the Blue Jays are going to be that bad this year---unlike some bloggers Mr. Blair.
    Can you blame Hef for not wanting some woman thats pushed out eight kids in his mag. There'd be a whole lot of airbrushing going on.
    Stay dry!

  3. Anonymous4/14/2010

    Ricky Romero is going to be a dominant pitcher before his days are done.

  4. Anonymous4/14/2010

    For my drafts, I pick 4 teams.

    This year, I picked chi, van, bos, and pitt.

    3 chi, 3 pitt, 2 bos, 2 van

    i try to pick line-mates from either team. this works well when you get to pick near the bottom of the draft if it goes 1-10 and then 10-1.

    I picked 5th and 7th this year and got Toews and Kane from chicago.

    I think it'll be a vancouver/washington final with vancouver winning.
