
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I Find This Disturbing!

From the Canadian Press

A new study says more than half of Canadian high school choir students surveyed are out of tune when it comes to the national anthem.
The University of Victoria study found that less than half of the students surveyed knew the melody for "O Canada," and only 67 per cent knew the lyrics.
Music education professor Mary Kennedy says many students mangle the words, changing "thee" to "the," swapping "thy" for "our," and in some cases even paying homage to "our home and nature land" instead of "native land."
Newfoundland high school choir students were the stars of the national study, while Quebec students hit a real sour note.
Kennedy says the study was undertaken prior to the Winter Olympics, where Canadian fans became known the world over for their spontaneous renditions of "O Canada," but she notes nobody was checking for lyrical correctness or proper pitch.

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