
Monday, May 31, 2010

Who Starts On The Line

As Rider training camp nears closer and closer, there will be many interesting battles. Who backs up Darian Durant? Who replaces John Chick and Stevie Baggs? Another interesting question is what five men will start the season on the offensive line. The Riders will take 13 men to camp--14 if rookie Patrick Neufeld signs a deal. On the surface, I would think Jeremy O'Day would of course anchor the line at center with the other starting four being Gene Makowsky, Wayne Smith, Dan Goodspeed and Joel Bell. If that's the case, it leaves this group backing up Belton Johnson, Kelly Bates, Chris Best, Marc Parenteau, Nick Hutchins and Jordan Rempel. Don't forget about Dan Clark either. You have to think Jonathan St. Pierre makes the final roster because he is a center to back up O'Day.
With the line playing so well last year without Smith, does he become trade bait. What about Best and Parenteau because they filled in so admirably. I can't see Bell going anywhere because of his youth and his talent. Johnson is a stud, but has spent a lot of time on the injured list. One would think the team would have made a trade involving one of their hoggies by now with everyone thinking a starting calibre defensive end would come in return. You would have to think Brendan Taman has been talking with teams, but so far no bites. Will that continue into camp and if so, for how long.
By the way, just a friendly reminder that single game tickets go on sale this morning and tickets for the 2010 Grey Cup go on sale today too.
Game 2 of the Stanley Cup final was nothing like Game 1. It was still entertaining, but it didn't resemble the opener. Chicago's speed just seems to be a little too much for the Flyers, but the next two games are in Philly. I would expect the Flyers to take Game 3 and if they do, its anyones series going into Game 4.
I just saw the Mike Conway crash at the Indy 500. How did he survive that? That was incredible!
The Jays go into June just 3 and a half back of AL East leading Tampa. If they are this close going into Canada Day, its time to start thinking playoffs and make a run at some players that can help them get there. If Houston's Roy Oswalt would agree to a trade, that might be a good place to start. As I mentioned the other night, Toronto would be ahead or tied for the lead in every other division with their 31-22 mark. As for the Cubs, they are four games under 500. SIGHHHHH!!
How tough it is to navigate your way through downtown Regina now that one way streets have turned into two way streets. How difficult is it to park now? Perhaps its a good job that I'm not doing any "Sportscage" duties right now. Then again, I wasn't having problems parking late in the afternoon when I was there for the past two weeks.
As you start your Tuesday, I ask you this. If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?
Have a good one!!!


  1. Anonymous6/01/2010

    There are two locks. O'Day is obviously in the middle. Bell and his talent can't be ignored. Geno should be a lock, but his body is starting to give out on him and he no longer is a guarantee. I would have Goodspeed, Parenteau, O'Day, Makowsky and Bell out there when the season starts.
    I think Smith, Johnson or perhaps both will be traded by the time the season starts. I would like to see another experienced d-back out there to help Omarr and Frazier.
    With this o-line, there is now no more excuse for Cates to dance through the line like he did last year.

    peter dalla riva

  2. Anonymous6/01/2010

    Stay away from downtown. Its chaos! You know what Regina drivers are like most of the time.Now they are confused and that's bad.

    Terry C
