
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Look At The Retro Jerseys

Picture courtesy CFL Daily

Only 2,010 jerseys are to be sold.

The jerseys are $89.95 blank or $199 with cresting.

Thoughts? Opinions?


  1. This is a bad idea, as fans we have spent loads of time and money to build the 'Sea of Green'. Sticking in a bunch of Red Jerseys is just plain stupid.

  2. Anonymous6/15/2010


    Respect to all the Riders who played in this era...but I don't see a need for this. It dilutes an image that makes millions of dollars.


  3. Anonymous6/15/2010

    Somebody get truenorthern a soother and put him/her down for his/her nap.

    I would suggest the people that were around in the era of the red jerseys spent a little time and money on this franchise too. They deserve a little respect. Whiny b#$#%.

  4. Looks like we should have had Henry Burris showing these. BAD BAD idea. Looks terrible

  5. Anonymous6/15/2010

    I don't mind these. Its just for one game. It honors the past. I'm guessing some Rider fans didn't know until a short time agao that this was the original colours.

  6. Anonymous6/15/2010

    Why is it the group labelled as "The World's Greatest Fans" can do nothing but bitch and complain at every little marketing idea that comes down? Those who are consumed by what this football team does on non game-days are troubled.

  7. Anonymous6/15/2010

    Do the Leafs ever change their uniform? NO! They are always blue and white. The Yankees always wear pinstripes and the Riders should ALWAYS be green and white. This goes down as a mistake in the resume of one Mr. Hopson.
