
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Real Deal?

Meet Stephen Strasburg. The number one pick in last year's major league baseball draft made his major league debut way ahead of schedule on Tuesday night. Strasburg has dominated in the minors so the Washington Nationals decided to have the 21 year old pitcher strut his stuff in the bigs. Did he ever! With the radar gun popping 100 miles per hour several times, Strasburg allowed just four hits over seven innings walking no one and striking out 14. 14! This just in---the kid can pitch! One start does not make a major league career, but he could be the Clemens or Ryan of today.

I'm not a Chris Pronger fan, but the Chicago Tribune has gone way overboard. This was simply not needed.

I think this is in extreme poor taste by the Chicago newspaper and its also an insult to female hockey players. Pronger isn't saying anything, but you know this will serve as motivation for Game 6 tonight and if Philly should force a Game 7, you know he will be ready. Some in Philly suggest Pronger is the Conn Smythe winner should the Flyers win the Cup. I wouldn't go that far.
Kids in Northwest Regina are mourning the loss of a friend who did something dumb the other night on his skateboard and was killed. They are honoring the 17 year old by doing many things including spraypainting the dead boys initials on just everything they can find. I'm sorry, but that is graffiti and that is vandalism. These kids should be charged, and Regina police should be acting on it. I understand their grief, but that doesn't mean you can just do what you like. These kids should be feeling awfully guilty for letting their friend perform a stunt that eventually killed him.
Talk about bodychecking in hockey at a young age has always been a controversial topic. More fuel can be added to the fire with this story.
I was going through my DVD's Monday night when I found my 10 greatest Edmonton Oiler games. While I don't have it, something I want in my DVD collection is the 10 greatest Chicago Cubs games. It made me think about what games would be on the Riders DVD( if one was ever made---and really why hasn't one been created in this the 100 year anniversary season). The 66, 89 and 07 championship games would definitely be on that list. The 89 win over Edmonton in the Western final would be on that list. The 07 Western semi and the 09 Western final would be there. What other games should be on it?
The CFL is allowing quarterbacks to communicate with the coaching staff between plays. What has taken the league so long to do this?
After putting up pictures of Heather Locklear and Jennifer Aniston, I promised to put up another picture of someone whom I just loved in the 80's. Like Heather and Jennifer, she is still looking good at 39 today. Very good! Hell-o Debbie Gibson....

I'm joining Rod in the Cage this afternoon. Talk to you then!


  1. Rickyg6/09/2010

    Good read Mitch. And I agree with you about the kid on the skateboard. We are definately in the minority though.

  2. Anonymous6/09/2010

    Regarding the vandalism from the Winston Knoll students you are absolutely correct. There is mourning, grieving, and then there is finding just another excuse to party. That "memorial" falls into the latter category. I would really have to wonder what type of parenting goes on that would allow kids to gather, and make that kind of a mess.

    The issue of the newspaper doing a Perez Hilton impression of doctoring a photo of Chris Pronger speaks alot to the reason newspapers are going by the way of the dinosaur. Pronger is a polarizing figure, but make no mistake he is a great player. That lack of journalistic intergrity really crosses the line.

    Debbie Gibson in 1987 it was neck and neck between her and Tyfanny. That debate in the Dr George Ferguson classroom was as heated as any debate concerning Rider QB controversies over the ensuing years. I have to say that over the passage of time Debbie is way ahead of Tyfanny who is actually a couple years younger. That other girl in the picture is "Blossom". She was wierd, but I had a thing for her to in the early '90's.


  3. Anonymous6/09/2010

    I need orthopedic shoes as I now stand corrected. Just like in 1987-1988 I have to go back to my original preference for Tyfanny. I searched Wikipedia for an update on Debbie Gibson. She hooked up with renowned greaseball Lorenzo Lamas. Right there that is a non starter now. 21 years and the debate between the two still rages on.


  4. Anonymous6/09/2010

    Hey Obama, too bad you didn't have a "thing" for learning how to spell!

    Today's word: degenerate

  5. Anonymous6/09/2010

    2007 labor day game has to be on the top 10 disk.
