
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Thoughts From Mosaic

The pre-game walkthrough. If that doesn't tell you that the CFL season is here, what does? As is usually the case on the day before a game, the Riders gathered for a light workout before being subject to the media for their last round of questioning before the game. Just some thoughts from the morning get-together

--It is always good to see Chris Cuthbert. He will call the game for TSN. There is no one better in this country (and maybe the US as well) in doing what he does. It always amazes me that he can go wherever and meet so many people, yet he sees me and its always "Hi Mitch, how ya doin!" I could literally sit and talk to that man for hours on end. The stories he must have.

--Watching the Western final on TSN2 Monday night made me ask "Where's Sara Orlesky?" I hadn't seen her on the network for a long, long time. I was going to ask where she was today, but I didn't have to. She was right there in front of me. She will patrol the sidelines tomorrow night. CTV Regina's Lee Jones did the pre-game interviews for TSN sparking the question "Where is Wray Morrison?"

--The pre-game pizza from Western was outstanding as usual (BURRRPPP!!). I think Vanstone had 5 pieces. Speaking of Rob, he came today sporting a wound on his neck. He was accused of having a hickey. He says he is 46 and gets no love. He said the wound was due to a shaving accident. I would have to tend to agree with him seeing he usually goes to bed about the time we are getting up. Him awakening to be at Mosaic by 1030 would be like us getting up around 330 after going to bed at midnight.

--This team wants to beat Montreal to get the season started right and to take something back from their last meeting. They won't say the latter publicly, but you know they are.

--RP will have an interview I did with Lance Frazier for a Riderville story this afternoon on the Sports Cage. Lance likes the fact that a lot of people believe the Eskimos are the top team in the West.

--Despite the fact his favourite player has been released by the Dallas Stars, Rider PR man extraordinaire Ryan Whippler is holding up well in the wake of the Mike Modano news.

--Global's Derek Meyers has an unhealthy fetish for the color purple. At least his shirt was dark purple and not the rather un-masculine magenta he sported earlier this week.

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