
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Will Big Ben Ever Learn?

This isn't as bad as his other indiscretions, but it would seem as if Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger just doesn't learn. Check out the latest controversy involving Roethlisberger by clicking here.


  1. Anonymous7/13/2010

    They're called indiscretions.

  2. Apparently not! Maybe he should be traded to Denver or, the Raiders !

  3. Anonymous7/13/2010

    Who among us has never taken a leak in the trees at a golf course? Multiple passes from the beer cart, and only a couple of available portapottys during a 4 hour round = urination in the bushes.
    Rapistburger is clearly an idiot and deserves the scorn he's getting for his recent actions, but this 'incident' is ridiculous. If the police are following this up, it's clearly a witchhunt.


  4. Hang him from the nearest tree.

    I'm not apologizing for the previous shit he may or may not have done, but any cop who arrests him has obviously never golfed.
