
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Back To Work

If all goes well, the Riders are back at work and they won't have another bye week until the Western final. Coach Miller put them through a light workout on Saturday afternoon. Some of the guys stayed home, but many others went home and the main reason for that was families. I can't imagine how tough it must be for these guys to leave the wife and kids (especially if small ones) for an extended period of time. I know it was tough on my former talk show host Drew Remenda to leave his wife and kids in Saskatoon while he was doing thing in San Jose, but at least he got the opportunity to come up for a couple of days during the season at various times. CFL players don't get that chance. I think that is part of the game that many fans don't think about.

I found it interesting that head coach Ken Miller said there is a wall in the Rider room where players have pictures of their families on it. Some didn't have pictures up there and Miller told the guys before they left that that should be rectified.
Here's a pic of Regina born NFL'er Jon Ryan warming up before last night's Packers-Seahawks game in Seattle. I watched almost the entire first half of the game before turning away. I was informed that Ryan had a tremendous 2nd half in which he was booming punts and hemming the Packers inside the 5 a couple of times thus drawing rave reviews from Curt Menefee and Warren Moon. Yes, that would be the same Curt Menefee that hosts the NFL on FOX. He really should get out of the studio and do more play-by-play. Bring Chris Rose into the studio. Bring Charissa Thompson into the studio!!

How the mighty have fallen! Motley Crue lead singer Vince Neil is going to be performing at the Bear Claw Casino. From arenas and stadiums to casinos for Vince. He's not the first and he won't be the last. The thing is is the place will likely be packed. If Kelly Remple is reading this, he will probably be buying tickets immediately.
I've come to the conclusion that this blog is one for the office readers. The readership on the weekend takes a tremendous downwards turn. That's OK though. I still appreciate each and every visit. As I've said from the beginning, I also wonder just why your lives are so meagre that you keep checking in. KIDDING! It is funny to see the readership graph though and see the huge disparity on the weekend.
Don Cherry said yesterday that this is the year the Leafs get back into the playoffs. OK, its official, Grapes has gone senile. Its time to replace him. Truthfully, I think the Leafs are on the right track, but I think they need one more year of being on the outside looking in. As much as I blow the Oilers horn, I think they need one more year of being a non-playoff team before they start making noise as well. the non-playoff team that will make noise this year---Tampa Bay!
When am I going to start looking at my upcoming fantasy football drafts? Rod Pedersen told me the other day he's never gotten into fantasy football. I had one word for him--DON"T. Its like the Hotel California --you can check out any time you want, but you can never leave.
Speaking of checking out, that's what I'm doing. The forecast sounds like its going to be a steamy of those days where you could make your own gravy. If thats your kind of day, enjoy it. If its not, I'm sure there's enough on TV to keep you occupied.


  1. Anonymous8/22/2010

    Sweet pic of Jonny R.

  2. Anonymous8/22/2010

    I don't have to tell you how addicting Fantasy sports is. Its a drug, but a healthy one.


  3. Thanks for the blog, Mitch. It is awesome. I have it on my favorites. I read it everyday. Keep up the great work!

  4. Anonymous8/23/2010

    Ask Remple about the bloody nose he got from the last Motley Crue concert he went to in Saskatoon.

    Sean - Maple Creek
