
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Has The CFL Landscape Changed?

All it takes is one play for a season to possibly go up in smoke. Dreams of a Grey Cup rematch between the Alouettes and Roughriders may not be fulfilled. If you missed it, the Alouettes throttled the Bombers in CFL play Wednesday night, but the big story was that Anthony Calvillo had to be taken off the field on a cart and was taken to hospital after what seemingly was an innocent-looking play.
As of the time I write this, there is no official report on to how serious Calvillo's injury is. It is believed to be a rib injury, and TSN's Matt Dunigan said by looking at Calvillo, it may be a broken sternum. If that is the case, Calvillo may be out for the season. If that is the case, the race for the East all of a sudden becomes an interesting one and the Grey Cup could very well be the Western final between the Stamps and Riders.
There is no denying the Alouettes are a much different looking team if A-C isn't at the controls. Chris Leak can't come close to doing what Calvillo can with the Montreal offence. With a bye week, the Alouettes might not miss their hall of fame quarterback, but they may also be without him for the rest of '10 and that would be disastrous for not only the Als, but the entire CFL.
John Chick had one tackle for the Colts in their 34-21 loss to Buffalo at Rogers Centre. Almost 40-thousand were there for that one. If they get 40-thousand for a meaningless exhibition game, why aren't they drawing for the Argos? I'm guessing the Argos won't come close to 30-thousand for their game tonight against Hamilton. Speaking of Mr. Chick, I believe I heard Rod Pedersen say he will be on "The Sportscage" Friday afternoon. I believe I am also co-hosting with Rod (where's Schultzie??) so I will get a chance to speak with the former Rider about life in the NFL.
Can someone please explain how A)Stampeder Mike Labinjo did not get suspended for at least one game for his actions against the Eskimos. He basically assaulted Andre Talbot and B) Why does Talbot get fined for being a punching bag? What did he do? Why do I think no suspensions came because there was fear they wouldn't hold up (ie: the Jason Jimenez suspension).
Training camps are right around the corner for WHL and SJHL teams. I can't wait!
I fully endorse Roger Clemens being charged with perjury, but if that is happening then why haven't Mark McGwire or Rafael Palmeiro been charged?
The Big Bang Theory is going to be coming on 5 days a week starting in September. That is good news!!!
Its great seeing Lindsey Hoemsen back on the air doing the 1130 news at CTV as she is back from maternity leave. Lindsey and I worked many a weekend and evening shift together at CJME and she is one of my faves. Some didn't think she would amount to much in that blue building, but I knew she would make it and she has. I could tell stories, but as I said she's one of my faves and I wouldn't and couldn't do that to her. By the way, where's Manny?
Tell me you wouldn't be looking for some clean underwear if this happened in front of you. WOW!!!!!!
Three people that I wish would have been in that crowd----Old Spice Guy, Budd Light and Worksafe Bob!!!
Have a good Friday and remember....."The greatest revenge is to accomplish what others say you cannot do."


  1. Anonymous8/19/2010

    Well, Peyton Manning was in TO tonight. Other than that, well, the CFL will have to content itself with trying to draw 25-30,000 for Argos games. Stupid, but what can you do..

  2. Anonymous8/20/2010

    Hey Mitch. Check out the pic on Johnny Quinns twitter. 40k is Rogers BS. 15k tops. The place was empty.

  3. Mike from Vita, MB8/20/2010

    Back to the Hall of Shame for Roger. I guess he misremembered...please!!! Boy would I like to be able to scale a wall like El Toro! I wish I was in shape like that, LOL!!

  4. Anonymous8/20/2010

    Sounds like A-C will only miss a couple of games. I'm still not sold on Toronto so if he missed the rest of the year it would make the East a real crapshoot as to who would win.

    What did Worksafe Bob ever do to you?

