
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thursday's Rider Practice

--Notes from Thursday's Rider practice

--Rod Pedersen was there so I'm guessing there were no naked women on the Scarth Street Mall.

--Derek Meyers, Lee Jones and Jamie Nye were all absent due to their "team" being in the Press Box golf tournament. (A good event I may add). How Meyers could involve Nye on this team and not near scratch golfer Justin Blackwell is beyond me. I guess when they win those Molson Canadian glasses or worse instead of a new TV, Blackwell will just sit back and say "I told you so!"

--Omarr Morgan was back on the practice field after missing the last two days with a stomach ailment

--Prechae Rodriguez was slowed by a lower back injury. Coach Miller believes he will make the trip to Edmonton.

--Luca Congi and Eddie Johnson got involved in a long distance field goal contest. Congi nailed his last one from 60 yards out.

--Head coach Ken Miller emphasized that no veteran player needs to worry about being released prior to September 1 in order to save money under the salary cap. Some believe that Jason Clermont could be in that position.

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