
Friday, August 6, 2010

Tom Higgins Should Be Embarasssed!

We have all bitched and moaned and complained about CFL officiating in the past, and we are doing it again in the wake of the Riders loss in Montreal. I can only imagine what goes through the mind of Tom Higgins as he watches games and sees things that should be penalized go un-called.
Give the Montreal Alouettes credit, they did what they had to in order to beat Saskatchewan 30-26. The Riders probably beat themselves because of a stupid penalty by Wes Cates, a missed field goal by Luca Congi that turned into a Tim Maypray return TD and a fumble recovery deep in Saskatchewan territory that was negated by a pass interference penalty resulting in a Montreal touchdown.
Pass interference--a penalty that is at the discretion of the guys in the striped shirts, but where is the consistency. What aren't these guys seeing that we are? I don't know about you, but Alouette defensive back Deandra Dix was guilty of at least four pass interference calls in that game---none of which were flagged. Two of those calls happened in the endzone meaning that instead of touchdowns, they had to settle for field goals.
When Chris McKenzie gets called in the endzone negating a turnover, you go OK-that's a tough break. When the Montreal defensive backs get away with pass interference in the endzone, you wonder just what is going on.
As I said, Montreal did more to win this game--especially in the first half. However,one can only wonder if this game could have gone Saskatchewan's way had it just been for one call being made.
Other thoughts from Friday

--I loved the retro unis for both teams. The Rider white jersey is sharp.
--I would have loved to see Montreal come out with the logo on the front of the helmet--remember those days.
--Will the Alouettes ever wear those light green jerseys with the funky logo?
--Darian Durant is as sick as a dog and yet he throws the ball 62 times for over 400 yards. He made some bad plays, but he made some great plays as well. You have to admire this guy's courage, and don't tell me his receivers weren't playing for him.
--Chris Getzlaf might be the most under-rated player in the CFL
--The more you watch Weston Dressler, the more you love the way he goes inside, takes a beating and bounces right back up.
--When Gary Etcheverry's defence is working right, the defence is extremely tough as evidenced in the 2nd half.
--I need to go to a game at Molson Stadium
--I really want to see these two teams meet again for the Grey Cup

I didn't watch any of the Toronto-Edmonton game, but it sounded like a gooder. It also sounds as if the officials in that game don't know what is and what isn't pass interference. Sad! Could Cory Boyd be an MOP candidate after the first third of the season. Why not?

Getting back to refs, those that know me know I am still sour over the travesty that was Super Bowl 40. A game I will not acknowledge because of the buffoonery of one Bill Leavy who basically screwed the Seahawks on that fateful Sunday in February of 2006. Guess what, Leavy acknowledged it on Friday. Sorry Bill, I don't forgive you!
The Moose Jaw Miller Express beat Regina 8-5 to even their WMBL semi at one. Game 3 is tonight at Currie Field starting at 705. Sadly, UFC 117 will be my choice of entertainment on Saturday so I won't be at Currie. I can't miss UFC!!
I'm guessing Dave Hunchak got a solid reality slap on Friday. I thought he should be the new GM of the Warriors, but I'm not the guy making the decision. Alan Miller has an impressive resume, and he takes over a very good hockey team---one that perhaps might be the best in the Eastern Conference this year. Hunchak deserved the opportunity.
That's all I got. Have a good weekend!


  1. Anonymous8/07/2010

    If Miller could make an example of Louie Sakota, can he now make one of Wes Cates. He cost us 15 yards and arguably the game with his dumb penalty--a penalty that took us out of chip shot field goal range meaning Congi misses and Montreal scores. Late in the game, he drops a pass over the middle which could have set us up for a much better chance at a game winning pass. I like Wes, but his head was up his ass tonight. He needs to sit for a game. Its not like we lose a lot with Charles.


  2. Anonymous8/07/2010

    The CFL is a great league that gets continuously dragged down into the muck by the officials. That was a bad game all around. Even the Riders benefitted on some "non-calls". You are right on pass interference calls though--there simply is no consistency. especially when it comes to faceguarding.

  3. Anonymous8/07/2010

    Another 5 minutes and that game is ours. Say what you want about Cates, Congi, pass interference calls that weren't made, Durant, whatever. The bottom line is this team had a chance to fold its tent three minutes in but they fought right until the end and had a chance to win on the final play. The late safety really hurt us, but Mtl may have scored points there to make us score seven at the end anyways. A great effort!


  4. Anonymous8/07/2010

    Couldn't agree with you more on Getzlaf. That Seahawks story has to burn!

  5. Anonymous8/07/2010

    It is always the officials... or the wind... or the ball is flat... I am not saying that there were no mistakes by the officials, but come on people... There were non calls on both sides of the ball, the PI for the second touchdown was a little bit bull, maybe Illegal contact...

    Does anyone notice that the officiating gets better at Labour Day? It is because poor officials get cut and only the best stay around after. All the officials from across the league will get a fancy DVD that shows all the mistakes from the season so far and has three views of the same play and calls the officials out to make sure that they get it right next time. At least when your complaining about them your not calling them the "Refs" as there is only one of them on the field.


  6. Anonymous8/07/2010

    You are right on the money about Cory Boyd. He is an incredible football player - if he stays healthy he will easily take CFL rookie of the year and, as leading rusher, the MOP. Toronto now has a franchise player to build a winning team around. After AC retires in Montreal, it could be Toronto that becomes the power in the east division. Look forward to watching Boyd in action when he comes to Regina in October.
