
Monday, September 13, 2010

Another One Has Left Us

Its a sad morning for Stampede Wrestling fans. I have just learned that Mike Shaw (aka Mukhan Singh) has died. Here's the story.

RIP Mukhan. You were one of the greats!


  1. Anonymous9/13/2010

    For such a big man, he had the funniest high-pitched voice. I always laughed when he'd get after Ed Whelon while cutting a promo.

    RIP Mike Shaw and thanks for the memories.

    Karachi Vice FTW.


  2. Nothing like watching the BOYS from Stampede Roll into the Court and Fitness for a work out.Cubban Assasin and Mike in the front seat of the van taking up the whole windshield.Were havin a party and your not invited from the good lord JR Foley.RIP MIKE.

  3. Anonymous9/13/2010

    Battle Royal in Regina. He gets to the final 3 with Champagne Jerry Morrow against Owen Hart. He says, "Jerry lets split the pot", then they beat the heck out of Owen, but he gets them out of the ring and wins. He'd take a beating. Whalen would interview him, and he'd say "yeah I'm like one of those Timex watches I take a lickin' and keep on tickin'". He was a great Heel.


  4. Anonymous9/13/2010

    Karachi Vice! Perhaps the greatest gang of villains ever assembled!


  5. Anonymous9/14/2010

    As a pro wrestler, what's one of the things you want ?
    To be remembered.

    Mike, you'll be remembered for a long time my friend. RIP.

    Yes, it'll be a good party tonight in heaven with JR. And Mr. Whalen, you ARE invited!

    Russ from Saskatoon
