
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Defending Coach Miller

Many are saying Riders head coach Ken Miller was absolutely insane for calling on Eddie Johnson to punt for the game winning point instead of having Luca Congi kick the game-winning field goal in last nite's overtime win over Calgary.

Yahoo's CFL blogger Andrew Bucholtz is defending Miller though. Check out this from Bucholtz.


  1. Anonymous9/19/2010

    Do you think it was Miller really?, I think Jim Daley put the punt into his head.
    Daley can't coach special teams to save his life. He has ruined our special teams. He does not have good schemes and our yardage on special teams shows that.
    We have released a couple of players, why not release him


  2. It is fine to take an alternate view, but this piece is so full of factual errors and unsupported conjecture to have any credibility.

  3. Andrew K.9/19/2010

    Something else to consider - a missed FG requires the kicking team to COVER the return. Punt cover teams (in SK anyway) are far more able to contain and tackle a returner than FG cover teams - just look at the stats. There was a healthy chance the Riders could have lost the game on a successful return on a missed FG.
