
Monday, September 27, 2010

Pulling A Prank On Hank

That's what he's saying in this story written by Ian Busby of the Calgary Sun..

Henry Burris finds the whole situation ridiculous.

When asked about photos circulating in cyberspace of him and a girl (who’s not his wife) posing shirtless and both wearing bras, the Stamps quarterback can’t believe a birthday prank has gone this far.

The pics — which have caused quite a stir in Saskatchewan where Burris is still Public Enemy No. 1 — were simply a harmless gag, he said.

Despite the online uproar and fan websites lit up with chatter about the images, Burris said the pics are innocent, his wife knows about them, and they are no big deal.

“It was a birthday prank my friends ran on me,” said Burris, of his big day back on June 4. “Now, all of a sudden, I see ones with Gainer (the Roughriders mascot) and Nik Lewis is in one. “It was a harmless birthday prank.

“They blindfolded me and threw a bra on me. Then I took it off and surprise. Next thing I knew, it was that. I don’t know why people are just getting them now. It was back in June.”

There are four photos in total, two of which are with a shirtless woman wearing a bra (one of his friends), while in the other two she has her top on. Burris dons a black bra, sans shirt, in all four.

“Nicole (Burris’ wife) knows everything about when it happened and all the hoopla of it trying to get started now,” he said.

Burris isn’t impressed with the way it has been blown out of proportion, but says he knows how it happened.

“I heard one of the guys sent it out to a buddy in Saskatchewan,” Burris said. “I pretty much know who did it.”

Burris didn’t elaborate on who his friends were or their names, but said he wasn’t angry about it despite the embarrasing situation.

Some Roughrider fans have blown the pics up and even modified them with Nik Lewis’ head on some and displayed them at games at Mosaic Stadium.


  1. Ham Sammich9/28/2010

    Um.....heh sure Hank. Let's review, you show up somewhere and your "buddies" suggest the following: Take off your shirt, put on this blindfold, and them you allow them to put a bra on you, and the entire time you didn't think to stop and ask what's up? Geebus Hank, what's more embarrassing, those phot's or this explanation?
    Another good reason to not cheer for the Stampeders, I believe most Rider fans/players will just have cake.

  2. Anonymous9/28/2010

    What was Tiger's first excuse? I thought this story was just a rumour. I guess not!

  3. Anonymous9/28/2010

    well, let's see the photos of Henry!!!!!

  4. Anonymous9/28/2010

    You know what I think? I think he is in big trouble.

