
Sunday, September 12, 2010

Thoughts After The Banjo Bowl

Need I say more?


  1. Anonymous9/12/2010

    Miller said this Rider offence can score a point per minute????? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

  2. Anonymous9/12/2010

    loser riderfans still don't know what we are talking about hey Mitch?

    Brutal O-line, Bell sits in stands while Geno gets roasted at tackle.

    Dorsey bumbles around, still starts every game.

    Calgary spells off Reynolds with Cornish, yet we constantly shotgun draw to Cates with Charles waiting for a chance.

    want more examples???!!!

  3. What, no adjectives ?

  4. Anonymous9/12/2010

    When Eddie Johnson is your best player, it means something and not something good. BRUTAL!!!!

  5. Anonymous9/12/2010

    Mitch love reading your blog and comments but please guys like Aaron should not have his comments on. Was it a good game to watch no. We are still 6-4 so if we lose to calgary big then i will have some concerns until then my ankles are safe for another week.


  6. Anonymous9/12/2010


  7. Anonymous9/12/2010

    I don't know what disappointed me more today. Durant was horrible, but blame that on the O-Line (Chris Best needs to be replaced by Joel Bell). The Dorsey experiment is over. He must be replaced. What happened to this team that was lights out through four weeks? I'm starting to wonder if this team can hang on to 2nd because BC is getting better.


  8. Anonymous9/12/2010

    Somewhere Eric Tillman is smiling. He is about to have another job while the bonehead he "recommended" for the position slowly erodes this team.

    Changes need to be made. Perhaps Dinwiddie does deserve an opportunity. Hugh Charles certainly deserves one returning kicks and Dorsey can go to selling Rider merchandise in the store.

    I feel worse about this game than I did the Edmonton one.

  9. when i heard taman was being considered last winter i knew we were going back to losing bomber football

  10. Anonymous9/12/2010

    Did anyone calling for Dinwiddie see his "throws" in the fourth quarter? That ain't the answer!

  11. Anonymous9/12/2010

    Taman's biggest pre-season signing was Dominique Dorsey. How's that working for you Brendan? His biggest move via trade was Rodriguez. Steeeee-rike 2. Did he sign off on bringing Doug Berry to town. If he did, Steeeeee-rike 3, YOU ARE OUT.

  12. Anonymous9/12/2010

    Cmon Hoppy. Admit a wrong and bring Tillman back.


  13. Anonymous9/12/2010

    Tillman's going to Edmonton. Who doesn't make an error in judgement when throwing back pain killers? Shoulda hung on to him.

    Strike 4 if Dinwiddie is the disaster everyone seems to think he is. I seem to remember Kerry Joseph practically begging to come back and he was turned down for Dinwiddie. Joseph would have been a nice mentor and sounding board for Durant as well as a competent backup in the event Durant struggles or gets hurt.

    Oh well, let's just keep doing what we are doing with no adjustments, etc. and see if we can finish 6-and-12.

