
Thursday, October 14, 2010

CFL Must Re-Think Wearing Pink

Rider quarterbacks Darian Durant, Cole Bergquist and Ryan Dinwiddie were wearing pink jerseys today. Many of the players were also wearing pink gloves. Why? They were doing it to show their support for breast cancer research. Its a great gesture, but when I first heard about it, I wondered why they just wouldn't do this at a game because hardly anyone would see them today. The answer is clear. The CFL doesn't allow players to wear pink during games. HUH?

Does the CFL think pink is a gang colour or something. Have they not seen the NFL games over the past couple of weeks where many of their players if not all of them have had something pink on for the same cause. I don't know who thought up of this rule, but the league should abolish it immediately. Marcus Adams is thinking about wearing pink shoelaces against the Stamps on Sunday, but he knows he'll get fined. He's not the only one. Would the CFL actually have the gall to fine a player for supporting a cause that is more than worthy? If they do, that opens up another can of worms.

CFL players should be applauded for doing what they can to show awareness to breast cancer or any disease. For the league to say to wear pink and pay us some green is something that will leave the CFL red-faced. Change the rule and change it now!


  1. Anonymous10/14/2010

    If Marcus Adams wears pink and gets fined, the cancer society should pay the fine. That would make the CFL look sooooooooo bad they would be forced to change the rule.

  2. Anonymous10/14/2010

    The NFL has been doing this for years. Thumbs down to the CFL!

