
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I'll Never Get Used To This

They say the three R's in education are writing, reading and "r"ithmetic. In Saskatchewan today, people are doing the three "S"'s of winter. Shovelling, scraping and swearing. I'm sorry, but we shouldn't be doing this until at least after Hallowe'en if not Remembrance Day. Who's kidding who, after the summer we had, we don't deserve this until New Years Day. Its days like this that I'm glad I work out of home, but I did have to take Annika to school this morning and that was a chore. It took 20 minutes just to clean the car off and more importantly get inside the car. OK, 19 minutes because my seven year old had to help Daddy clear off the car. My street is a mess (surprise, surprise) and the other roads aren't that great either. It was so bad out there that thankfully there was a huge lineup of traffic on my school's street so parents were just stopping their car in the middle of the road and letting their kids out because they couldn't pull over for fear of A) losing their spot in line or B) getting stuck in the snow that was on the side of the road. It is ridiculous, but we do have to endure this from time to time and we should get used to it, but I'm not and I never will. At least I didn't have to get up at 330 AM to do morning radio. You have no idea how much I hated those days of getting up early knowing there was piles of snow on uncleared streets or it was 40 below or whatever. It makes me wonder why people like Willy Cole (who has done it for years), Bill Toffan, Michael Ball, CC and Lorie, etc. etc) want to keep doing it---especially in the winter.

The city of Regina is telling people to stay off the streets today. I can't see that request being made seeing it is a workday. It is days like this that I'm glad I work out of home. I can just pour another cup of coffee and look out the window saying I don't have to go out in this. However, I may have to meander the streets and go to Rider practice today. Thank goodness, they are indoors. Hopefully conditions have improved by the noon hour.

The question now is where the hell is my shovel. I had this opinion last night that I'm not shovelling the driveway because it will warm up, but it appears it may not be until next week. What happened to plus 12 on Hallowe'en. That's now been downgraded to plus 2. Its going to be a cold night for the kiddies and it could be a rough one too---especially if the Riders lose in BC. I can just see kids knocking on the door and being greeted by some grumpy Rider fan. I hope no one decides to go out dressed up as Jim Daley!!
What better way to sit back on a night where its crappy outside by watching Game 1 of the World Series from beautiful San Francisco. Tim Lincecum will face Cliff Lee in what will be an outstanding pitching matchup. I have heard some people say this will be a boring World Series because its Texas and San Francisco. I think that's a load of crap. I like seeing different teams get in or at least one different team getting in. A Phillies-Yankees rematch would have been a waste of time. We endured a season of baseball to get the same two teams in the final. No thanks! Dallas and San Fran are good TV markets so I don't think there will be a big drop in TV ratings. It would be nice though if FOX and MLB would start this game at 7 Eastern instead of 8 because it will be a late night for many on the East Coast and that never translates well. I guess you can't have it all.

When I look at this World Series, I see an intriguing matchup between two very good baseball teams that don't have the "big" superstar. Here's what you should watch for courtesy of the Sporting News....

The slow vs. the sleek. Giants manager Bruce Bochy calls his club a collection of "castoffs and misfits." While he means it affectionately, he has a point. Pat Burrell was dumped by Tampa Bay. Cody Ross was claimed off waivers, possibly to keep him from the rival Padres. Journeyman Aubrey Huff was San Francisco's big offseason acquisition. Juan Uribe resembles an aging linebacker -- and moves like one, too. In the other dugout, the Rangers have a lineup full of athletes who live up to the antlers on the back of those T-shirts. Josh Hamilton, Elvis Andrus, Nelson Cruz and Ian Kinsler all have shown their ability to run like deer this postseason. The Rangers won Game 5 against the Rays with their baserunning, and a double steal in the first inning of Game 2 against the Yankees might have been the biggest play in the ALCS.

The bearded wonder. Only Brian Wilson knows for sure how much of his bizarre behavior is an act. We see the Mohawk haircut, the blackening beard, the wild shoes and the unusual postgame interviews. But if the Giants' closer really is a wild man, he is an effective wild man. Wilson has dominated not only this postseason (0.00 ERA in nine innings) but the past three regular seasons (a major league-best 127 saves). He is an old-school reliever, too, as Bochy rarely hesitates to call on him for saves of more than one inning. Considering how many tight games the Giants play, we should see plenty of Wilson in this series. That could mean trouble for the Rangers, who are a combined 0-for-19 with one walk against Wilson.

The home-field non-advantage. For the first time since 2001, the NL will have home-field advantage in the World Series. But Texas is 5-1 on the road this postseason. While AT&T Park could neutralize the Rangers' power -- they have at least one homer in every postseason game -- Texas can win with speed and defense. The Rangers used their DH, Vladimir Guerrero, in the outfield for 18 games this season to prepare him in case they reached the World Series. When the Series switches to Texas, the Giants can call on Pat Burrell to DH. Burrell struggled as the Rays' DH but is familiar with the role.

The Rangers have the better hitting, but the Giants have the better pitching. If Texas can find a way to get four runs or more, they will win this series because San Francisco struggles to score runs. Lincecum could throw a masterpiece tonight and lose 2-1. Because of that, I take Texas to win it all in 6.
What did England ever do to the NFL? The NFL's latest London game is a matchup between Denver and San Francisco. Bring John Elway, Karl Mecklenburg, Joe Montana and Ronnie Lott back! I would not be excited over that game.
How about the Pats? I was thinking about checking that game out last night but stayed home because of the weather. By all accounts, they played very well in beating Saskatoon 5-2 for their 3rd straight "W". Have their fortunes charged?
Jordan Eberle gets his 3rd for the Oilers and while it was a nice goal, it looked rather routine compared to his first two. What was nice is that Ebs burned Calgary's Ian White on his marker last night and you may remember it was White that he beat on his spectacular first goal on opening night against the Flames. White grumbled after that Eberle was lucky on that play. Whaddaya sayin now Ian???
That's all I got. I gotta try and find the snow shovel. SIGGHHHHHH!!!! At least its not 40 below.

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