
Sunday, October 31, 2010


The Pats came out wearing their pink and blue jerseys to support breast cancer. The jerseys were auctioned off at the end of the game. Those that got jerseys should have been given some kind of discount from the team for having to endure the whole 60 minutes that they saw. The Pats were embarassed on home ice by a count of 11-1. I don't care who you are, when you get beat by 10 goals in your own rink, that is not good and yes, its very embarassing. I wonder how long it took for the braintrust to get some shut-eye after that one.
The Melfort Mustangs said they could compete with the Humboldt Broncos and it looks as if they can. The two teams split a home and home this weekend with each team winning in the other teams barn. Humboldt is the number 1 one ranked team in Canada and I'm sure they may stay there or at least stay in the top 5 after Friday's defeat at the hands of a Mustang squad that I'm sure will crack the top 20 as well. The Broncos are in Weyburn next Friday night. If you want to see a good hockey team, make the trip.
I had no rhyme or reason in taking the Texas Rangers to beat the San Francisco Giants. I thought the American League champs would rebound in their own ballpark and they did. That being said, I'm taking the Giants to win the 4th game.
Watching the Edmonton Eskimos last night only made me ask again just how the h-e double hockeysticks did the Riders lose twice to them at Commonwealth. That was one of the uglier CFL games we've seen in recent memory with Edmonton winning in overtime by a score of 17-13. The win means a Rider win today elimnates the Lions from playoff contention. It means B.C. will have more to play for. The Riders have to get their act together. I'm hoping this means we will have a good game. If the Riders do win today, it means next week's game will be a nothing game for the two teams. If that is the case, it will be like an exhibition game because I can't see many regulars from both teams playing.
The Bombers have now lost 8 games this year by a margin of seven or less points. That is a CFL record by the way. I hope those in Winnipeg realize how close they are to being a very good football team. Paul LaPolice has this team on the right track and he has the nucleus of players to have them in a position to challenge Montreal for Eastern dominance. Hamilton is getting close too. Edmonton is going to be better. The heat is on Calgary and the Riders to keep themselves from getting pushed aside in the off-season.
I had 12 of 14 NHL games right on my "POOLS" ticket last night. I was hoping that might snag me some extra iron for my pocket, but alas 10 people picked all 14 games right and will be getting nearly 2-grand from the WCLC in upcoming days. One of the games I had wrong was the Habs-Panthers game and that screwed up my Saturday night pro-line ticket of 285. GRRRRR!!!!!
A lot of good teams are off in the NFL today, but there is still some intrigue. Will Randy Moss hurt his old team in New England? Can the Lions beat a quality opponent in the Redskins at home? Will Aaron Rodgers and the high powered Packers offence be too much for the stingy Jets defence and of course, can Seattle walk into Oakland and beat the Raiders. Regardless of the result in that one, there will be some words exchanged next week between myself and Raider fans that I know.
Its Hallowe'en so be careful if you are out on the road tonight. Yes, I'm talking to those of you who will go out to places like the Press Box and Four Seasons to watch the football game. Well OK, I'm talking to everyone. We don't want anything stupid to happen out there tonight. If for some reason, a child comes to your door dressed up as Jim Daley, don't throw him or her into the nearest snowbank.
Why do I fear that Christmas displays will start going up at many stores now that Hallowe'en is over.
Have a good one! GO RIDERS!!!! GO SEAHAWKS!!!! GO CUBS!! (oh wait!!)


  1. Mike from Vita, MB10/31/2010

    Way to be a good sport Mitchell. I bet all of us would love 2G's with Christmas shopping coming soon.

    Definitely, the Riders have to look like a 9-6, not a 6-9 team vs the Lions today. Can anyone figure out why the Riders have tanked? If there is a marked improvement in all three phases of the game, win or lose, I will be more confident of the West Semi in two weeks. IF we stink the joint out today...pack it in and give up the ghost...2010 is done!!

  2. Anonymous10/31/2010

    Parker needs to get jerseys that read "PATHETIC" for his team because that is what they are. Atrocious doesn't even come close to describing what I saw for two periods last night.

  3. Anonymous10/31/2010

    "h-e double hockeysticks"? How old are you, 8?

  4. Anonymous10/31/2010

    HA HA HA on the Daley comment
