
Monday, December 13, 2010

Is That It?

It has to be over now. Now that his streak of 297 consecutive starts has come to an end, is it now safe to say we have seen the last of Brett Favre or is that premature to say. What else does number 4 have left. His legacy has been tarnished somewhat by his constant flip-flops. He has had a disastrous season---one that I don't know he really wanted to take part in and now he has seen what is one of the greatest streaks in pro sports come to an end. His team isn't going to the playoffs and there is really no need to continue playing him as its time to look ahead to the future. There's nothing left to do. I truly now think we can watch the gunslinger walk off into the sunset.
What a great Monday niter! Matt Schaub rallies the Texans from 21 down and then throws an INT in overtime to give the Ravens the win.
Could Marcus Crandell be waiting to see who shakes out as Rider coach before deciding whether or not to pack up the family and move to Edmonton. If Doug Berry comes in as Ken Miller's replacement, it frees up an offensive co-ordinators position. Darian Durant and Marcus have a great relationship. Could Marcus be the o-c here. If Berry gets passed over for Richie Hall, would Berry want to stay? Is he contractually obligated to do so? If he isn't and he leaves would Marcus slot in. You have to wonder if Marcus has been offered the job in Edmonton and if he has given the Riders a due date. Time will tell.
Word is tonight that Cliff Lee is going back to the Phillies. If this is true, how about that starting rotation and it does my heart good to see the Yankees can't buy everyone that they want. How about that starting rotation in Philly of Halladay, Lee, Hamels and Oswalt. That's mean!
I would be shocked if the Metrodome is ready for next Monday's home game against the Bears. I think it will be outdoors at the University of Minnesota's stadium. Perhaps that's fitting. The Vikes are celebrating their 50th anniversary that night and say what you will, but the Vikings are remembered for playing in cold weather with guys like Bud Grant, Fran Tarkenton, Chuck Foreman and the Purple People Eaters. That game should be played outside in a place where those great Minnesota teams flourished.
People criticizing the Pats for the Carter Ashton trade simply don't realize the junior hockey business. The Pats got what they needed and wanted from Tri-Cities. I'm sure Brandon will do the same with Brayden Schenn very soon.
Don't worry about people from your past, they're not in your future and isn't that what matters?


  1. Pats should have done it with Ebs and Teubert before deadline last year. You are right Mitch the WHL is a business and Parker could have set them up pretty for the next 2-3 years. Tough decision but it something you will see all the good clubs make. Good on Lang for making the decision and for proving Parker isn't pulling his strings.

    Schenn to Blades is my prediction.


  2. People critized the Pats for trading Ashton??? Most likely the same people that critized the Pats for not trading Eberle and Tuebert.

  3. Anonymous12/14/2010

    Do we want an OC with no experience at that guiding a QB in just his 3rd year. I like Marcus, but like Richie, I think he should go hone his craft elsewhere and then come back.


  4. Anonymous12/14/2010

    Read my mind J. Blades have some pretty strong depth. I think it's time they jumped into a big trade to see if that can push them over the top.


  5. Anonymous12/14/2010

    I read a Bears fan website that said the U of M football stadium has been "winterized" for the season.
    It will be curious how this sorts out...maybe they got to host it in Chicago and account for it financially as if Minny was the home team

  6. Anonymous12/14/2010

    I think that the Carter Ashton trade TO regina is one that will haunt the Pats for a LONG time. Parker should have NEVER made that deal.

    I can't see Schenn being dealt to Saskatoon. I think i could see the blades getting Jimmy Bubnick from Calgary before Schenn. But I agree that it's time the Blades maybe a trade for a sniper. I know they got Viedensky last year, but he wasn't supposed to be the goal scorer that he's turned out to be.

  7. Anonymous12/14/2010

    Can we just give the Phillies the World Series?
