
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Its The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year

I am not talking about Boxing Day shopping either. Are you stuffed with turkey? Did Santa bring you what you wanted? Are you ready for some hockey? Yes, it is the 2nd to last Sunday of the NFL season, but its also the start of the World Junior Hockey Championship and Canada wants to do the U-S what the Americans did to us in Saskatoon and that is take the gold. It starts this afternoon with Canada vs Russia in what should be a dandy. Here's the best overall preview I could find so take a look as this has a lot of info in it.


  1. Anonymous12/26/2010

    Seahawks and Canada game on at the same time Mitch. Whatcha gonna do???

  2. Anonymous12/26/2010

    I get the feeling this is going to be a Jaden Schwartz break-out party. The guy has unreal talent.

