
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Now What?

The Darryl Sutter era is over in Calgary. He did not leave the team in good shape. What do the Flames do now? I think they have to do what they did in Edmonton and that is gut the franchise and start from square one. That being said, their record is much better than Edmonton's was last year and they aren't that far out of a playoff spot. I think Calgary hockey fans know that this team has to start getting rid of salaries and getting rid of them soon.
Some guys simply have to go, but the Flames need to find takers. Two guys they should get rid of if they can convince them to get rid of their no-trade clauses are Jarome Iginla and Miikka Kiprusoff. I actually think Calgary could get more for Kipper than Iggy. Teams like Washington, Philly, Tampa and San Jose would have to be in the mix. All three have players, picks and prospects they could send. As for Iggy, he would be a steep price as well and there are many teams where a player of his ilk would fit in.
I'll be interested to see if the Flames use the Oilers blueprint or if they go another way. That blueprint by Edmonton was pretty successful when used in Chicago. Time will tell.
I will never understand the NFL! Joe Webb outperforms Michael Vick and the Vikings beat the Eagles. WHAT? Maybe the Seahawks can get in and surprise someone in the playoffs. You just never know what can happen on any given night. Its one of the reasons why I love the NFL.
Was Zack Kassian's hit on that Czech player really that bad? I didn't think so.
Was there anyone else but Joanie Rochette to win Canada's top female athlete. The figure skater didn't only capture a nation's attention, but the world's attention with what she did in Vancouver. Many couldn't do what Rochette did.
Memo to Burlington City Council.....DONT SCREW THIS UP!! Get a stadium for the Ti-Cats and then laugh at the city of Hamilton for years.
With Portland getting Craig Cunningham, does this mean Brayden Schenn won't become a Portland Winter Hawk. I am beginning to think more and more that Schenn will be going home to Saskatoon. Will the offer Lorne Molleken gives to Kelly McCrimmon be similar to the one he supposedly offered Regina for Jordan Eberle. I've heard a couple of different stories on that deal if ever one was on the table.
What is it with the Pats and the Broncos this year? Regina owns their Highway 1 rivals.
Rob Vanstone thinks Greg Marshall will be the new Riders coach. I disagree. I think when all is said and done that Doug Berry is your guy. Who does that make as offensive co-ordinator then---that's a good question. Is Khari Jones out there? Where's Danny MacManus? Where's Tracy Ham? Just think about that last one for a second.
Sometimes I pretend to be normal, but it gets boring. So I go back to being me.


  1. LA Kings also followed the "gut them and rebuild" blueprint. It was tough but we are starting to see the fruits of our labor!

  2. Anonymous12/29/2010

    Heard you talking about the Pats yesterday and a high first round pick at the bantam draft. Did we not give that away in the trade that got us Ashton or was it a 2nd and a 1st in 2010. Does this mean we have our own and Tri-Cities pick this year?

  3. Anonymous12/29/2010

    Hey Mitch,

    I'd do back flips if Molleken pulled a Schenn trade.
    That would really push the blades close to being a memorial cup contender.

    I could also see maybe a Jimmy Bubnick going to Saskatoon as well.

    I'd be curious to see what Molleken has to give up.

    I'll be disappointed if he stands pat.

    We'll see.

    Russ from Saskatoon
