
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Two Hours Of Rider Talk

Its the last Sportscage of 2010. What better thing to do for two hours then talk Saskatchewan Roughrider football and what better person to help me do that then the man Kelly Remple has dubbed as "The Don Cherry of Football in Saskatchewan", the one and only John (Frenzy) Lynch.
We will look back at the 2010 campaign and look ahead to what 2011 may bring with both the Riders and the CFL.

You know where it is and you know what time its on.


  1. Anonymous12/30/2010

    Its been great hearing you do what you do best without some know-it-all clown from San Jose bringing you down. Word has it he was the reason you were given the pink slip. The wrong person got that slip in my opinion as now Jamie Nye is just doing what you are and that is make him look dumb.

    It would be great if you and Roddie teamed up every day. It would make a great show even better. HNY!!


  2. Anonymous12/30/2010

    What a great show today. I thought Cory and that other guy were going to challenge one another out in the parking lot. Good stuff!!


  3. Anonymous12/30/2010

    Devin owned that Corey clown. He's boasting about it on If I were him, I would just shut up. That was outstanding!!!

  4. Anonymous12/31/2010

    That is not the same guy. The guy that shredded Corey doesn't go on

    Seriously though that was as close to an old time Geraldo Rivera show where Mitch is Geraldo and all hell broke loose. To tell Corey he can't remember because his meds affect his long term memory I thought Corey would climb through the radio at him if he could.

