
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Blazers Seemingly Have Thin Skin

An interesting story is developing in Kamloops concerning the Blazers and former Leader-Post sports editor Gregg Drinnan. Citing negative writing from Drinnan about the team, the Blazers have decided he can't talk to any of them. Really? Are you kidding me? Yeah, I'm a little biased because of my time in radio, but Drinnan isn't doing anything wrong here as far as I am concerned.

Drinnan can be a nasty s-o-b and he has gotten into many verbal jousting matches, but Drinnan is also someone who isn't afraid to pull a punch or ask the question that needs to be asked. They are questions that obviously the Blazers don't want to answer for one reason or another.

Local media are accused of being homers. We don't want to ask the tough questions because we are afraid of being alienated. That is the case in some places, but at other places its not. Do you think the Riders love every member of the Regina media even when things are good? Do you think the Pats love every member of the Regina media right now when they continue to struggle. Of course they don't. However, they don't take the approach that we are not going to let you talk to us until you write something more positive.

This stance is absolutely ludicrous and the Blazers should be ashamed of themselves. The WHL is finally going to step in and intervene in this situation. What the WHL should also do as far as I'm concerned is come down with a very stiff fine against the team. Will that make the relationship between Drinnan and the team better? No it won't, but the team has no one to blame but themselves.


From the WHL to the SJHL and it would appear as if the Melfort Mustangs are going to take a serious run at the Credit Union Cup. The Mustangs made a lot of moves at the December 1 deadline and with the January 10 deadline right around the corner, they started the ball rolling by picking up Melville captain Brayden Metz for futures. Metz will fit right in with this talented Melfort squad. Is head coach Darrell Mann done? I doubt it. He is hoping to get some good news from the WHL when it comes to a couple of players and I hear he has another big name SJHL'er in his sights. Its going to be a very interesting few days in the SJHL.

While many are wondering what the Humboldt Broncos will do at the deadline seeing they are the host team for next year's RBC, the team I have my eye on are the Yorkton Terriers. This team was pretty solid on the back-end, but they tragically lost Myles Cameron after Christmas in that fatal car accident and they also lost Davis Vandane to the Spokane Chiefs. Vandane may be back once Jared Cowen returns from the World Juniors, but Yorkton may still need a defenceman or two. With a lot of teams having the ability to say they can compete for a title, it makes it tough to make some moves, but Trent Cassan may have no choice but to find a blueliner that can help him out without giving away a lot.


Bon Jovi has come through on their promise. Remember when they were here and they said they wanted to film a video for "This is Our House". Well, the video is out and while it isn't as good as I had hoped, its got a lot of Mosaic in it....take a look.

The guy I would like the Seahawks to draft in the effort to replace Matt Hasselbeck was in action last night. I think Ryan Mallett has all the tools to be an NFL quarterback and I would like to see that happen in the Pacific Northwest. He just about led his Arkansas Razorbacks back to a Sugar Bowl win over Ohio State before throwing a pick. He didn't get any help from his receivers on this night as they dropped a bunch. Speaking of Seahawk QB's, it would appear Matt Hasselbeck will play his last game with the team Saturday if they lose to New Orleans meaning the job would be Charlie Whitehurst's going into 2011. I have heard some on satellite radio say the team should pursue a quarterback in free agency and one name that keeps coming up is Carson Palmer. It is said the Bengals will cut ties with their long-time QB who played at USC under coach Pete Carroll. I don't think I would mind that, but I'm not entirely sure.
Rumours suggest today is the day the Riders will officially name Greg Marshall as head coach, but does the football team really want to do this on the day Canada plays the gold medal game at the World Juniors. Waiting for 24 hours wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. We all know who it is.
Do any of my blog readers remember Bryn Griffiths? The former voice of the Moose Jaw Warriors has joined the wide world of blogging and his thoughts can be found on my blog list under "Mighty Mouth". Bryn is out of radio and is working for Northlands Park in Edmonton. He ran a great morning show at "The Team" in Edmonton before being inexplicably gassed by management. (Yes, cluelessness can happen in other places besides Regina) I have had many great conversations with Bryn and have received tremendous advice from him throughout the years. Check out his thoughts after you are done coming here for thoughts on the Edmonton sports scene and the sports scene in general.
I find I have a lot of time on my hands if I wear two watches. How bout you?


  1. Anonymous1/05/2011

    If Drinnan was here, I'm guessing he and Parker would have come to blows with Regina's recent performance. This looks bad on Kamloops.

  2. Anonymous1/05/2011

    Drinnan is a bully and the Blazers have gotten tired of it. Have you looked at their record? What does Drinnan want? Perhaps there is something more personal here.


  3. Anonymous1/05/2011

    I listened to Bryn faithfully when I lived in Edmonton. I didn't know he used to be in Moose Jaw. He would be a great morning host when CKRM goes all sports Mitchy. When does that happen anyways?


  4. Ask Pedersen that question, not me! I'm just a fill-in over there.

  5. Anonymous1/05/2011

    I agree with the first commenter on here. What would Parker have done if Drinnan was here over the past four years? Drinnan would have openly roasted him for not trading Eberle. Instead, the LP has some guy that basically sucks up to Parker by writing positive stories in trade for "scoops". The Blazers have embarrassed themselves.
