
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Should Be An Interesting Monday

If you are a fan of the WHL or the SJHL, you will want to be by a computer Monday as it is trade deadline day for both. The Kootenay Ice got the ball rolling in the WHL as they sent a whole whack of players to Swift Current for Cody Eakin. Eight players and draft picks in all. That's insane! It makes you wonder what Brayden Schenn will get in return and yes, it does make you wonder what Brent Parker could have gotten for both Jordan Eberle and Colten Teubert last year. Eakin joins a very good Kootenay team that has the likes of Davidson product Brayden McNabb, Max Reinhart and the guy who has the best name out of any hockey player out there today--junior or pro--Steele Boomer. Does this put Kootenay ahead of teams like Saskatoon and Medicine Hat? We'll find out by the end of the day?

For what its worth, I say Schenn ends up either with Medicine Hat or Spokane. I just don't think Lorne Molleken is ready to sell the farm for someone who will only be a Blade for a couple of months. I might be wrong. We'll see. Blades play by play man Les Lazaruk said during a recent Sportscage appearance that while highly doubtful perhaps Schenn could end up in Moose Jaw. Imagine that?

Are the Pats done? Something seems to tell me they will pull the trigger on more deal---it will be a minor one.
Its also deadline day in the SJHL. Humboldt has hardly anyone left to trade after getting rid of most of their 20's on the weekend as they start to build for the 2012 RBC Cup as the host team. Melfort is loading up. Yorkton has improved themselves. What will La Ronge do? What will Weyburn do? What will Kindersley do? Its going to be a very interesting day watching what happens in both leagues.
The only home team to win on NFL wild-card weekend was that little ol 7-9 team that I cheer for. How bout that? It didn't surprise me to see the Ravens kick the Chiefs around. Kansas City wasn't ready to be a playoff team. They showed that last weekend in the regular season finale against Oakland and they showed it again against the Ravens.
As for Green Bay-Philly, David Akers missed two field goals and the Eagles lost by five as the Michael Vick experiment comes to an end. It means next weekend, its the Ravens-Steelers (classic in the making) and Jets-Patriots in the AFC with the Seahawks and the Bears going at it in one conference semi with the Packers and Falcons meeting in the other. I had someone ask me on Sunday why I hate the Bears so much and why haven't I given them credit this year---two words. JAY CUTLER! I am just not sold on that guy. Defensively, the Bears are great with guys like Julius Peppers, Brandon's own Israel Idonije and hall of famer to be--linebacker Brian Urlacher. I think that team could win-----if they didn't have Cutler.
Can Green Bay beat Atlanta? I didn't think so until yesterday, but Green Bay has all of a sudden re-discovered a running game. That contest might be the best of the four next weekend.
It is very sad to hear of the nine year old girl shot to death on the weekend in that attack on the Arizona congresswoman. The girl had gone to meet Gabriela Giffords because she had just gotten into politics herself at her school and wanted to meet Giffords. It brings up the question why are politics involving a nine year old girl but that's another question for another time. It seemed to me from very afar as if this young lady had her head screwed on right and was wise beyond her age. All she was doing was looking for some face time with a possible role-model when she was cut down for no good reason with all of her life to live. The girl--Christina Green--was also born on September 11, 2001. We all know what happened that day. Hers was a life certainly bookended by tragedy.
Oregon and Auburn meet for the BCS National Championship tonight. This is a game that should have been played a long time ago. Expect lots and lots of offence in this one. Both teams will go over 30 and perhaps over 40.
It bothers me to hear Jonathan Byrd won the first event on the PGA Tour for the 2011 season when I look outside. GRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!
Its a Happy two year anniversary for me today. Those that know me well know exactly what I am talking about. In the words of John Waite "I ain't missing you at all!!!". There are some that I do miss, but not the overall product that really is ----well you know. (FLUSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!)
DO NOT READ THIS SENTENCE! You Read It, Didn't You? Oh, You Rebel!


  1. Anonymous1/10/2011

    I hear that Schenn to Saskatoon is already done. I do not know what Saskatoon gave up.


  2. Anonymous1/10/2011

    If someone were to have told me Friday that the Seahawks would be the only home team to win I'd have asked him if happy hour started early. Unreal! That run by Lynch was maybe the best run I have ever seen.

    What type of goaltending does Kootenay have?

  3. Anonymous1/10/2011

    TSN reported Schenn to Saskatoon last night.

  4. Anonymous1/10/2011

    Do all these futures that Humboldt gets basically mean they can pick and choose the best players from the other rosters just to load up for next year? Is that fair? I find something wrong with this.

  5. It happens all the time , expect Yorkton to give up Breitkreuz after the season , and maybe another important cog as well. This happens all the time in JR.A , you usually only get one chance to make a run before you gut the team and start fro scratch , usually.

  6. Anonymous1/10/2011

    Why is it the people I know that have worked at Rawlco are so glad to be out of there and the people I know that are still there wish they could leave? Is it really that bad? Never mind, I know the answer.

  7. Anonymous1/10/2011

    Do all these futures that Humboldt gets basically mean they can pick and choose the best players from the other rosters just to load up for next year? Is that fair? I find something wrong with this.

    My question back, are not these teams getting Humboldt's best players and they have Humboldt's BEST players and keep their own BEST players tikll the year is over. That team is stacked..some can question that!T

  8. Anonymous1/10/2011

    Mitch. Do you remember the day they announced Newton as Zaplitny's replacement. I said get out now because this place will crumble like a house of cards. Was I right? We've both moved on to bigger and better things and we didn't drink the kool-aid. Those that have are destined for a life of misery and having the wool pulled over their eyes. More and more people know what they're about now.

  9. Anonymous1/10/2011

    If the game is in Seattle, you have to give the Seahawks a chance. This game will be in Chicago and it will be ugly. Bears by 20.
