My good friend Bryn Griffiths ( long time voice of the Moose Jaw Warriors) has his own blog going called Mighty Mouth. I could tell you my thoughts on the fact that no dome will apparently highlight the Regina landscape in future years, but for the most part, he says it in much more eloquent fashion from Edmonton than I can. He also opens up another debate----one where some people should be asking some questions. Here is Bryn's blog regarding the fact the dome dream has died.
This being said, if Quebec City or any Canadian city now gets federal funding for an arena or a stadium, then look out. If this should happen, it is my thought that Mr. Lukiwski and Mr. Scheer start looking for another gig because the one they currently have in Ottawa will be up come election day.
Mr. Lukwiski had already lost my vote a long time before this happened. The guy's been a disgrace to his constitutents and his party.
Is anyone really surprised at this development! I'm not. It was a pipedream all along. Fiacco, Wall and the feds are all to blame if you ask me. The feds knew money wasn't coming, but they kept dangling a carrot. Fiacco and Wall knew it wasn't coming, but they would dangle the carrot under the public's nose. There are a lot of red faces to go around with this debacle.
Congratulations Regina, you now have the mentality of Saskatoon. If we don't have federal money, we aren't going to build. That's like Saskatoon saying we don;t want an arena downtown. Do something with the money that is already committed or else pay the price in the future,