
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Here We Go Again!!

Hockey is being painted in a bad light again because of the Zdeno Chara hit on Max Pacioretty. The debate is on full swing as to whether the hit was a dirty one or not. I don't think it was even though the results were devastating. If it wasn't for turnbuckle, this would never have happened. Pacioretty would have been rubbed out of the play and it would have continued.

However, the magnitude of the injuries suffered by Pacioretty has everyone up in arms. Its even gotten to the point where Air Canada is thinking about pulling its sponsorship of the NHL and MP's are even discussing it.  Everyone is now going to butt their heads into a place where it doesn't belong. Perhaps Gary Bettman should send Air Canada a letter saying he would like more direct flights from Toronto to New York City. While he's at it, he can send MP's a letter demanding the government do something about high gas prices or whatever else. Perhaps he can give his two cents on Libya and Afghanistan and other worldly matters.

There is even word today that police are going to investigate the hit. Please!!!

On the seven year anniversary of the Steve Moore incident, is this now going to be the story that takes the torch from that one?

Here's an idea to prevent this from happening again. Extend the glass all the way around the rink including the players benches. That way there are no open turnbuckles (stantions) for players to collide into. Of course, this will mean the end of changing on the fly and hopping over the boards, but hey, it fixes what we see in hockey once every how long????

Speaking of the Steve Moore situation, I would think the big 6 foot 9 Chara might want to keep his head up during future games against Montreal---especially at the Bell Centre. Remember, it was a Moore hit on Markus Haslund that started that whole gong show.
The Canadian Curling Association has made itself look bad while Glenn Howard has come up smelling like roses because of what happened at the Brier yesterday. Howard's Team Ontario rink obliterated Prince Edward Island's Eddie McDonald in a game that went just five ends before handshakes. CCA rules say a game must go seven ends so they fined McDonald an unknown amount. Howard immediately said his rink would pay half the fine and gave a list of reasons as to why the fine was BS. CCA mouthpiece Warren Hansen rebutted Howards statements by saying fans are paying good money to see Team Ontario play and they deserve to see them play seven ends. Was that the only game going on? Was everyone focussed on Team Ontario? Did someone come to a draw expecting to see Ontario only to find out they weren't playing. Hansen was even quoted as saying "bullshit" when talking about this. The CCA is quick to fine a curler who is miked for a TSN broadcast for swearing so when a CCA official says a swear word that is quoted, he too should be fined should he not?
The Pats lose in Prince Albert by a count of 8-5. That is probably the final nail in the playoff coffin for this year. They needed that one.
I really don't  understand NFL players having such a resistance to an 18 game season. CFL players have been doing it for how long? Has anyone asked CFL players --especially imports--what they think of an 18 game season. I'm sure it was asked years ago.


  1. Oh please Blair, give your head a shake but not too hard. I've always liked Chara and always will but he should have been suspened. I've heard it all it's the turnbuckel's fault, Pacioretty jumped. Really? The fact is Chara interfeared with him, push him, and guided his head into the turnbuckel with his forearm.

    Since this would have been Chara's 1st time being suspened 5 games would have been a great move by the NHL. But what did Chara get nothing not even a fine. Meanwhile Pacioretty is in the hospital with a broken vertebrae and a servere concussion. Whos season is for surely over and maybe even his career.

    But I guess that's what happens when you play with Campbell, whos daddy is a higher up in the league. I'm not a fan of either team but I just know if that was a player on my team I would be screaming for a harsh penalty and so would you.

  2. "The 6 Foot 9 Chara better keep his head up????" That's gold Jerry!!! Gold!!!

  3. When I was a kid, we used to play ball hockey on a city street and always made sure we were particularly careful around this one area of the playing area because there was a bit of a pothole there. We'd go full-tilt, but as soon as we got near the pot hole we'd slow down. I don't really know why. Maybe we were afraid of stepping into the pothole and breaking an ankle? It was never discussed. We just slowed down. Draw your own parallel if you think there is one with the Chara case. I should point out I don't like the Habs. This is not a Habs thing with me. I just struggle with 'how does he know where he is on the ice'. Well, he's a pro. I was just a road hockey player and I knew where I was. Therefore, Chara should be suspended. If I push you down on the gym floor that's one thing. If I push you down in front of a moving truck...well that's another.

  4. Anonymous3/10/2011

    Many people have brought up the McSorley and Bertuzzi incidents over the past couple of days. This was nothing compared to those two incidents. If anyone should be questioned here, it should be the Canadiens for not having the proper protection on the turnbuckle. All the other posturing is just crap as far as I'm concerned.


  5. Anonymous3/10/2011


    If that happens in the corner or on in one of the zones or on the other side of the ice, this play is just a check that you see a thousand times in hockey. Are we now supposed to have no hit zones labelled on the ice! I have no problem with the interference penalty, but thats as far as it goes. The end result was tragic, but thats what happened with Kurtis Foster a few years ago when he was slammed into the boards because of icing. I don't see the NHL going to no-touch icing after that hit despite all teh crying that took place. This was a part of the game that we see all the time that sadly had the wrong consequences for the Habs player.
