
Monday, March 21, 2011

The Verdict Is In On Matt Cooke

According to multiple sources, Matt Cooke has been suspended for the rest of the regular season and the first round of the playoffs after his elbow on New York Ranger Ryan McDonagh yesterday. This would mean at least 10 games and somewhere between 14-17.


  1. Anonymous3/21/2011

    Not enough!

  2. Anonymous3/21/2011

    When other players are tweeting that this is a good thing, its a good thing!

  3. Anonymous3/21/2011

    Heatley's hit was worse yet he gets two games and Cooke gets over 10. The NHL lacks consistency. I don't care if Heatley wasn't a repeat offender, the end resut was the same.

  4. 75flyersbestteamever3/22/2011

    Based on the reports of Penguins brass being "less than enthused with" Matt's actions I guess we know who's doing the Penguins' laundry after games,maybe washing Mario's car..driving Syd to his medical appointments.. even putting on the Mascot costume and mingling with fans (keep the elbows in with the kids Matty)..grab some Chapstick stick and pucker up Cookie...his job in the Big Show depends on it.
