
Monday, March 21, 2011

You Can Decide Who is on Madden 12 Cover

I love this idea from EA Sports. They are allowing you to have a say in who goes on the cover of the game. You can start voting now. Just head here.

If they had a Madden 12 CFL game (and oh how I wish they did), although they would have to call it Suitor 12 or something, who would be on the cover? My vote would go to Anthony Calvillo.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3/21/2011

    I don'tknow about this year's cover, but Madden 13 could have both Goodell and Smith with a big $$$ between them.

    For the CFL version, I would probably put Calvillo in there too, but I would have regional covers so that all QB's were in their home market.

