If it wasn't for my good-natured neanderthal friends that still love the WWE and are ready to say just about anything at any time, Wrestlemania 27 might have gone down as a dud. I don't know if my eyes will recover from seeing "Snooki" from Jersey Shore wearing something that was way too small and then doing some flipping around as she won her match. YECCHHHH!!! I would repeat what Saskatchewan's so-called sexiest blogger said after her match was over, but to protect his reputation or what little of it he has, I will pass.
Just some thoughts from what I saw....
--Wrestlemania wasn't about the Rock, but the Rock made it his Wrestlemania
--I don't care if was a DQ win, Michael Cole over Jerry Lawler. CMON!!! I get the feeling we could see Cole take a good old fashioned schoolyard beating on RAW tonight.
--I'd be some kind of choked if I were a Sheamus or Daniel Bryan fan seeing their fight never made it to TV. Thanks Snooki!
--Edge vs Alberto Del Rios to start. Really?
--One ten second glimpse of Sunny (who still looks good). Really?
--Have we seen the last of the Undertaker? Even though he won, I think its time for the deadman to walk into the sunset with his streak intact.
--I don't care if Cody Rhodes won. He is still Cody Rhodes! He's brutal.
--Santino Marella is entertaining
--The Orton-Punk match should have been later in the program
--I love the "Stone Cold" stunner
--Trish Stratus is sensational and looks damn good as a brunette.
--Where were all the divas? We saw Eve Torres and the Bella Twins in two lame skits but that was it. In other words, WHERE WAS KELLY KELLY?!
--Why wasn't Undertaker/Triple H the last match of the night.
--Is the Rock done after tonight's RAW or is he hanging around for a while. I am thinking a Cena-Rock match at Summerslam should happen.
Its over for the Warriors. The wheels fell off big time for Dave Hunchak's club as they lose their first round series to Kootenay in six games dropping the final three. It m? I'm geans the Civic Center has played host to its last WHL game and its now time to move into the Multiplex. What was it like in the old building as the seconds ticked down? I'm glad I got to one last game and I can't wait to see a game in the new digs.
The brutal reality of life slapped us in the face with word Sunday morning that Mandi Schwartz had died. Her fight touched everyone and just renews the fight that we all should have to find a way to get rid of cancer once and for all. I don't know if it will happen in my lifetime or not, but I certainly hope someone finds a way to cure the world of this terrible, terrible disease that have cost us so many good, good people.
Methinks the Blue Jays will be an entertaining team to watch this year.
Are the Flames going to make the playoffs?
10 or more teams could finish the NHL with more than 100 points this season. If that isn't a reason to stop these three point games, I don't know what is.
If tomato is a fruit, does that make ketchup a smoothie?
C'mon, Mitch, if you're going to namedrop me, at least throw in a link to my blog (http://tymcm.blogspot.com) and encourage your legions of fans to follow me on Twitter (Twitter.com/TylerHNTS).
ReplyDeleteOkay, I may have said something about finding Snooki desirable while in a state of slight inebriation. I stand by it. Hey, she did a backflip into a handspring elbow. You gotta respect that.
And twisted, disfigured Cody Rhodes is awesome.