
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Just Sing the Song

This is something that has bothered me for a while, but I've just never blogged about it until my memory was refreshed while watching the first three nights of the Stanley Cup playoffs.  Why is it anthem singers must employ some kind of schtick after or during the anthem.

First, you have the idiot opera singer in Vancouver (Too bad it wasn;t Adam Sandler) who has the crowd sing half of the anthem. Yes, I know Paul Lorieau did that in Edmonton during the Oilers Cup run a few years ago and I hated it then too, Then you have the guy in Boston and in Washington who both give the fist pumps after they are done. Add that to the guy in Ottawa who is decked out in his Ontario provincial police uniform who has to make sure he winks into the camera and the actions of some others that just make me go "SING THE SONG".

At least I know Karen Newman will do it right when she sings "The Star Spangled Banner"prior to this afternoon's Phoenix-Detroit game. She knows how to belt out the anthem properly as does Wayne Messmer in Chicago. Some of the others that I have mentioned need to take a lesson from these two.
Canada's team in these Stanley Cup playoffs are------------the San Jose Sharks. They have 18 Canadian born players on their playoff roster (that includes healthy scratches) to lead the way amongst the 16 teams battling it out for the Cup. In comparison, Vancouver has 14 and Montreal 13. GO SHARKS!!
We have seen 5 shutouts in the first three days of the playoffs. I have to wonder what the NHL thinks about this when they stress more wide open offensive hockey. I don't have a problem when a goalie blocks somewhere in the 30's for shots for a shutout, but I just wonder if in the back of the minds of some in the NHL if there is a thought of finding some way to create more scoring.
If you've been watching the playoffs, and I'm guessing you have, you have seen the Boston Pizza ad where the wing connoisseur is rating the wing that he has in his posession. He talks about a Gil Morgan. What the h-e double hockeysticks is a Gil Morgan?
Wasn't it just f**in peachy to wake up this morning, look outside and see it looking like mid-January with all the snow. I'm starting to wonder if we'll be golfing by mid-May. This winter just won't end. I just hope this means we don't see snow till December, but I'm thinking that wish won't be answered. I'm also guessing this latest bit of white stuff won't ease the flooding concerns any. Speaking of which, do you think organizers of the jamboree in Craven are glad they don't do their thing on May long weekend. Have you seen the pictures of the jamboree site?  My buddy Tim Purvis has a girls of Craven calendar that will be sold on the grounds this year,.....if this keeps up, he may have to do a reshoot with the girls wearing scuba equipment.
Colorado Rockies pitcher Jhoulys Chacin threw a complete game 5-0 victory over the Cubs last night. Chacin is the brother of former Jays pitcher Gustavo Chacin. Whatever happened to Gustavo Chacin?
The Blue Jays beat the Red Sox last night meaning Boston is the first team to hit the 10 loss mark this year. Who would have thought that two weeks ago?
Taking Cindy Crawford in a baseball draft would have been better than taking Carl Crawford. He's been a bust through the first two weeks.
Gregg Drinnan will have everyone around here talking with his latest blog posting. Gregg--who say what you will about him has some great hockey contacts, says the whole Coyotes back to Winnipeg story could end up involving Regina with the Moose moving here and the Pats to Chilliwack because of the ongoing lease problems between Evraz Place and the Parkers. I want to say this could not happen, but when I look at it, I say why couldn't it. Is the Brandt Centre big enough for an American Hockey League franchise? Would Regina hockey fans support a semi-pro team after years and years and years of junior hockey. Losing the Pats would create a tremendous hole in this community and I don't know if the American Hockey League would fill the void or not.
Scott Schultz just makes good radio. Friday Sportscages are a must listen to thanks to the old 96er. There are some out there that beliave Schultz brings down "the number two sports show in Saskatchewan", but those that think that simply need to go to Walmart or go on-line to buy a clue.
I've been battling a big-time bug over the last couple of days. As I laid in bed with a fever watching the Canucks-Hawks game last night, my seven year old daughter comes into the bedroom moments after going to bed.

ANNIKA: Daddy, I'm going to let Funshine (Care Bear and her favourite stuffed animal) sleep with you tonight.

ME: Why is that sweetie?

ANNIKA: You need him more than me and maybe he will make you feel better in the morning.

ME: What are you going to sleep with?

ANNIKA: I have my other Care Bears and they say Funshine should sleep with you,

You just can't argue with that can you?
Memo to Mike Weir. Here's a reason to hang up the clubs. You missed the cut at the Texas Open after shooting a two day total of 162. Kevin Na had a two day total of 160 and that included a 16 on one hole. You couldn't beat a guy that shot a 16 on one hole. Give it up Mike. Call it a day!
 I love how, in scary movies, the person yells out, "Hello?" As if the bad guy is gonna be like, "Yeah, I'm in the kitchen! Want a sandwich?"


  1. Anonymous4/16/2011

    What's Drinnan smokin? There is no way the AHL would come to Regina. Saskatoon maybe, but not Regina.

    Schultz makes for must listen radio. Sometimes he comes off a little childish, but I love listening to him. Your former employer would likely love to make a Schultz for Suitor trade.

  2. Anonymous4/16/2011

    Couldn't agree with you more on the anthems.


  3. Anonymous4/16/2011

    Jim Cornelison Chicago Blackhawks

    His version of the Star Spangled Banner might be the best in the US.

  4. Anonymous4/16/2011

    Roddie has updated his story and says Evraz Place have never spoken to the Moose, Looks like Drinnan is stirring the pot needlessly.


  5. Anonymous4/16/2011

    Ask your former company what they think of Scott Schultz!

    Rawlco Stoon employee

  6. Anonymous4/16/2011

    How many Canadians are on the Ducks roster?

  7. Anonymous4/16/2011

    Mike Weir is so yesterday. Graham DeLaet is Canada's future on the PGA Tour.

  8. Who cares what Rawlco thinks? Seriously.

  9. Look fellas between Rod's show, Jamie's show, Glen's show, and Riders pre and post-game shows, we've got well over 1,000 hours a year of original LOCAL sports talk radio in Saskatchewan. If you don't like what Schultz has to offer, change the channel.

  10. Anonymous4/16/2011

    Right with ya Roddie. They don't respect you and they show that every night when they sign on. That show can't compete with yours and its been that way ever since you signed on. Scruffy sounds a helluva lot better in an environment where he is respected and can do what he wants without some goof(s) in the front office that don't know sports. Meyers, Remple, Schultz and others make the Cage THE show to listen to.


  11. You're right about the intro to their show Murray. It's a slap in our face every single night. Thanks for the support.

  12. Anonymous4/17/2011

    Good call Murray!!


  13. Anonymous4/17/2011

    Anyone that has any sense can surely realize what show is the one that EVERYONE is listening to. I don't mind the show when Jamie is on by himself, but when he gets Drew on, the arrogance factor goes up 10 times and I turn it off.
    There isn't one area of Sportscage that is beaten by Sportsnight as far as I'm concerned. The only problem with both shows is TOO MANY COMMERCIALS!!!!!

  14. Anonymous4/17/2011

    This Flyers fan says no anthem is sung like Kate Smith and her daughter! Go to a Flyers game live and it will leave you with an eerie sensation.


  15. Anonymous4/17/2011

    I'm guessing the Rawlcoids hate Scott Schultz, mostly because he eats their lunch (not literally!) every time he's on the air.

    Here's an idea: if you don't like what the competition is doing, do something better! In the meantime, let's go back to Sarge on line one...


  16. Anonymous4/17/2011

    Is this really worth commenting on?
