
Thursday, May 19, 2011

One Step Closer to Fame

The Vancouver flasher is getting a lot of attention today for her stunt last night. One Vancouver radio station has been trying all day to find out who she is. That might be easier to do after this picture was revealed today.

I'm sure it won't be long before a name is put to face. I'm guessing it also won't be long until Roddy gets her in the Sports Cage. Hey, he found out in a quick hurry who the girl in the wedding dress proposing to Sid in Calgary was last winter.


  1. Anonymous5/19/2011

    She can have my tickets!

  2. Anonymous5/19/2011

    You know that guy with the iphone has the money shot. C'mon Georgia Straight, pony up the cash for that picture.


  3. Anonymous5/19/2011

    Can the Pats use this woman in their season ticket campaign?
