
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

We've Got Highlights!!

I don't think he has ever stepped one foot into Saskatchewan, but Bernie Smilovitz is a Saskatchewan broadcasting legend. Dare I say it, he might have been the most popular Regina/Saskatchewan sportscaster a decade ago as he did his thing with WDIV-TV in Detroit. He still does his thing for WDIV, but for some reason we don't get the channel anymore. That didn't stop a very cordial Smilovitz from giving 15 minutes of his time to both Rod Pedersen and myself on Wednesday's edition of the Sportscage.

RP admitted before Bernie came on that he was a little nervous as he spoke to someone that he and many others grew up to watching his wacky antics like Bernie's Bloopers and Weekend at Bernies. That's when I said he might have been the most popular sportscaster in the province at the time.

Some of the gems from Bernie:

"Was Canada closed tonight because there was no hockey action."
"He loves hockey players out of all the athletes he deals with on a day to day basis because they are so polite and will never ever turn down an interview"
"As much as Detroit is a hockey city, he believes the place will be turned upside down if the Detroit Lions ever come upon NFL success because they are the one team out of the four that call Motown home that haven't won a title in the last few years.

Full pat on the back to Rod for lining that interview up. Quite often, I will suggest guests for him or he will let me know what he is working on for shows that I co-host. When he texted me after the Wings Game 6 win to let me know he was working on Bernie, I thought OK we'll see how far that goes. Moments after he found Bernie's e-mail and sent the request, there was an answer in Rod's in box consisting of one word "Sure". LOVE IT!!

As much as we tried to tell him today how popular the quartet of himself, Mort Crim, Carmen Harlan and Chuck Gaidica were, I don't know if he bought it, but its the truth. If you lived in Regina or Saskatchewan, you saw the Detroit news coming from these four on a nightly basis. With the exception of Bill Bonds and Don Shane, I don't know if I can remember a lot of the personalities from the ABC and CBS Detroit stations that pumped their news into here via cable. They really opened my eyes as to how news was and could be presented. I'm guessing their impact was felt in many a newsroom TV and radio as well.
If it wasn't before, "The Sportscage" is starting to become must listen to radio each and every day on the old 620. You have Scott Schultz on every Friday for two hours of football talk, Sportsnet's Arash Madani has signed on to provide two reports a week that started this week. Arash is "connected" throughout the sports world whether it be baseball, hockey, football or whatever and his bi-weekly reports have already started harvesting gold. Add to that he's a great individual and perhaps the most ingenious Tweeter out there. If you are not following him and you are a sports fan, I would suggest following him.

The latest addition to the Cage lineup now is Regina mayor Pat Fiacco. He will step inside the radio octagon once a week to talk some sports. He spoke today about being in awe of George Reed while at a press conference both were at on Wednesday. I asked him what other athletes he has met that have left him in awe and not surprisingly he listed boxers Sugar Ray Leonard and Evander Holyfield. I won't get into the reasons why, but they were great reasons.

Its hard to believe "The Sportscage" is where its at one year into its existence as May 17th will commemorate one year in the books.  I remember RP phoning me up asking to go to lunch when he first brought the idea to my attention and how the hell I managed talking two hours a day each day of sports radio. As you have heard, it didn't take him long to find out how easy it can be if its done the right way. I did it for four tough years at the other place, but it was a very rewarding experience. However, truth be told, I think I've had more great experiences doing this show than the other one. Don't get me wrong, there are many great memories I have of doing the other show, but its just like day and night for one reason or another.
The WHL final has been a dandy. I never expected the Kootenay Ice to be there, but they are one game away from the Memorial Cup after a 5-4 overtime win in a game that was once again full of drama. The Ice led the game 4-2 late in the 3rd, but they let Portland tie it in the final three minutes. Portland survived one penalty in overtime, but they couldn't avoid a 2nd one---and a dumb one at that. It was a great game! Game 5 is Friday in Portland. By the way, I don't know why people aren't showing up to the final in Cranbrook, but the amount of empty seats has to be embarassing to the Ice. CTV's Lee Jones said at 6 last night, he thought the game was being played at Credit Union Centre.
The tweet of the night comes from my good friend Bryn Griffiths in Edmonton. It reads "how tight is San Jose? You couldn't pull a needle out of their ass with a tractor right now.
Gas is at 136.9 in Regina right now. Just when you think the oil companies can't bend you over anymore they find a way.
If you didn't read Rob Vanstone's column in Wednesday's Leader-Post do so, its a dandy.


  1. Anonymous5/12/2011

    Smilovitz is legendary in this province. Who didn't watch him when WDIV was here and why isn't it here anymore.

    That penalty on Portland that led to the game winner was pretty chintzy.


  2. Anonymous5/12/2011

    HA HA HA HA HA to the San Jose comment. It will be interesting to see if Heatley, Thornton and Marleau are around next year if they lose tonight.

  3. Anonymous5/12/2011

    You and RP work well together. Nothing against Duke or the other co-hosts, but it should be you two Monday-Friday.

    PS: Smilovitz was great! Get him on again.


  4. Anonymous5/12/2011

    Why wouldn't you feel better about doing the show at CKRM than you did at CJME. CKRM knows sports and CJME doesn't! Its as simple as that. There is more to sports than the NHL and the Riders, but they don't want to acknowledge that thus they will be a failure. You and Pedersen should have teamed up a long time ago IMHO.


  5. Anonymous5/12/2011

    And to think I was bitching when gas hit a buck 10 a litre. I don't know if it will ever be that low again.
