
Sunday, June 5, 2011

Burrows Bites The Bruins Again

Canuck fans are happy and why shouldn't they be. They are two wins away from the Stanley Cup after last night's thrilling 3-2 overtime win. The OT hadn't really started when it ended as Alex Burrows went wide on Tim Thomas and stuffed it in on the wrap around sending those at Rogers Arena and in the street around the building into a frenzy.

The series now goes back to Boston where the pressure is obviously on the Bruins to win and repeat what they did in the first round to Montreal.

Just some questions and thoughts

1. Boston is down 2-0, but each and every Vancouver fan should know it could be the Canucks down 2-0. The series has been that close
2. While Roberto Luongo has won both games, I think Tim Thomas has been the better goalie because Luongo hasn't made a bunch of big saves. He has made some big ones, but if Thomas doesn't make the stops he is making Vancouver wins the first two games easily.
3. What has happened to Zdeno Chara? The guy is 6 foot 9 and he's not intimidating anyone.
4. Is Burrows making a late run at the Conn Smythe? What about Luongo?
5. I was glad to see Manny Malhotra return, but I thought overkill was the word of the night when it came to his return. Yes, he did have a serious eye injury, but others have returned from serious injury and not had the salutes that Malhotra had. Listening to the first half of the game on satellite from the Team 1040 in Vancouver, you would have  thought Manny had returned to action after being clinically dead.

The SJHL's annual general meeting has come and gone. While I won't get into specifics (I will post the release later), it was only re-iterated that there are 12 teams who are very passionate about what they do and what this league does. There are some tremendous challenges facing this league, but there are some solid people at the table and behind the bench that will do their damndest to make this thing work because they are passionate about what they do. Issues need to be addressed and that started this weekend thanks to the leadership of new prez Bill Chow.

Rider training camp begins today. The veterans are here and the off-season is now officially over. Can some of the guys that made an impression during rookie camp keep impressing the coaching staff now that the vets have showed up. We will soon find out. There are going to be some good battles and while I can't get there today, I will be there tomorrow.

The Minnesota Twins have a guy in their lineup named Brian Dinkelman. Do I need to go on?

Winnipeg got to 13-thousand season tickets. What took them so long? Mark Chipman has said he will not announce what the team is going to be named until after the 13-thousand were sold. I'm guessing a majority of those 13-thousand want the Jets so name it that,. Change the colours and change the logo to make people buy the new look when it comes to sweaters and whatever, but call the team the Jets.

Sunny and 25 today? Has September hit already?


  1. Anonymous6/05/2011

    Alex Burrows can F-Off as far as I'm concerned. The guy shouldn't have even been playing in Game 2. Perhaps Neely needs to go on a Gillis like rant before Game 3.

    Totally agree with you on Chara though. He must be hurt!


  2. Anonymous6/05/2011

    Did all the vets pass their physicals? I'm hearing Montreal cut Ahman Green because he didn't pass his physical.

  3. Anonymous6/05/2011

    I thought the Canucks were picked as Round 1 casualties on this blog??

  4. Anonymous6/05/2011

    you are not easily impressed are you? They were saying last night that the eye injury was bad enough that if he wasn't a pro athlete- they would not have worked so hard to save it- they thought it was practically useless to do so. And he comes back from that type of devastating injury in under 80 days to play at a high level and it's not worth a few words and a couple of standing "o"'s? Minor Medical miracles don't impress you... Luongo not needing to flop around like a fish to save his team doesn't impress you... Canucks scoring with 18.5 seconds left in the 3rd and 11 seconds into OT doesn't impress you...

    Seems to me if someone did come back from being clinically dead you'd say "he was only 'clinically' dead-- it's not like they exhumed his body after a week, resuscitated him, fixed the rotten parts and then sent him back on the ice!"

    And if they DID do that you someone-- you'd still be unmoved... "not like he was cremated..."

    You are a tough audience...

    Canucks in 4.

  5. Anonymous6/05/2011

    I agree with you on Malhotra. If that guy was playing for Boston, they wouldn't pump it up the way they did last night.

    Gotta disagree with you on the goalies though. Both are playing well, but Luongo has been two shots better.

    Not nice to say but Terrence Nunn makes me go Rob Who?


  6. Anonymous6/05/2011

    I'm basically wearing my winter jacket on Saturday night and i got sunburned today. Stupid!

    If Burrows keeps going, I would give him consideration for CST, but I'm thinking its got to go to one of the Sedins or perhaps Bieksa.


  7. Anonymous6/06/2011

    Dwight...The Sedins are both minus for Pete's sake.

  8. Anonymous6/06/2011

    Is Alain Vigneault reading this blog now? Read the crap spewed above by Mr. Positive on the Canucks.
    It looks like Vancouver will win, but it doesnt change the fact that they are the whiniest group in the league. They should have a pic of a soother on their jersey.
    Malhotra came back from a potentially life-changing did Mario Lemieux and the attention given to him wasn''t even as close as what it was to Manny boy. Gimme a break. GO BRUINS!
