
Friday, June 24, 2011

Just Some Random Friday Thoughts

---The NHL draft is tonight in Minneapolis. The Oilers have the number one draft pick and the consensus is they will talk Ryan Nugent-Hopkins. Some believe the team could take defenceman Adam Larsson and some believe they could trade the pick with Florida believed to be the team that wants it. One story has said the Panthers are willing to part with blueliner Erik Gudbranson. He was arguably Canada's best blueliner at the last World Juniors. If Edmonton could get the #3 pick, Gudbranson and a roster player and then take Larsson at 3 and another good forward at 19 like Zack Phillips, I'd be happy. We'll see.

--Checked out my first Red Sox game of the year last night. My sked and their sked just hadn't meshed, but as expected it was a good time. They had a good crowd last night, but I really don't know why more people don't take in Red Sox games. It is great entertainment, it is cheap entertainment and it is the best baseball you will find in Regina in the summer. If you haven't been, you really need to go.

--I had two people refer to Rod Pedersen and myself as "The Dream Team" at the Red Sox game last night. I laughed both times.

--I had way too much fun doing the Sportscage on Wednesday leading into the Rider game. As you know, it was a three hour show as we took it right to Vancouver for Roughrider warmup and Countdown to Kickoff. Some wonder how one can do two hours and it isn't easy, three hours isn't easy either, but when you get the right guests and have the right amount of tape and start talking Riders, the time flies by. I haven't hosted many Cages over the first year, but I know I have walked out of the Harvard building feeling better and good about the shows I have done many more times than I did over my time at the other place.

--Why doesn't Kindersley have a WMBL team? They have a great facility and I think the town would be big enough to support a squad. They have teams in Melville and Weyburn so why not Kindersley. That would give Klippers play-by-play man Brendan Ullrich something to do in the summer time.

--The Riders do need a field goal kicker, but I firmly believe Eddie Johnson needs to continue on as the punter. Eddie just isn't comfortable for whatever reason in kicking the ball and in what will be a very competitive West, the Riders can't afford to lose a game in the last seconds due to a missed field goal. This being said, I do NOT want Sandro De Angelis here. Here's hoping he makes it in Montreal.

--The pictures out of Weyburn and Estevan have been unreal this week. The sad thing is the rain isn't going to stop anytime soon by the sounds of it. Thankfully, I haven't had any water in my basement yet. I hope that trend continues.

--While the people in charge of the Craven jamboree keep saying its a go, I keep hearing whispers that they just won't be able to because of the rain-soaked grounds which is still full of water. Here's hoping for the best. Time is running out!

--"Bad Teacher" may be a bad movie, but Cameron Diaz will likely make it worthwhile.

--Who hires a head coach first--the Warriors or Pats?

--The Raptors should really put out a book called "How to Screw Up A Draft". I didn't even know who the guy they took at number 5 was last night until earlier in the day. That team is destined to be in the lottery and they are destined to be bad for years.

--There are apparently still a lot of tickets left for the WWE show at the Brandt Centre in August. The stars of Monday Night RAW are supposed to be here meaning people like John Cena, the Miz, Kelly Kelly, Alberto Del Rio, Rey Mysterio, etc. etc. These guys don't come around every day and I KNOW Regina is a wrestling town. I also know that Evraz officials are trying to get a TV taping, but they can't if there's not a good crowd count for house shows. Bottom line---lets get some tix. I'll be there.

--Thumbs up to both Premier Wall for getting MLA's back to the House to end the crop insurance workers walkout and good on the Prime Minister for starting legislation to order postal workers back.

--Did Craig Slater of the LP lose a bet. A half page story on Red Sox voice Adam Geiger? Really? I kid. Adam does a great job on the Red Sox games and he does it by himself. Baseball is not an easy sport to do especially when you are by yourself, but he exceeds. He even throws in a little "doing the Red Sox on CKRM" quote. That couldn't happen could it?? If Red Sox baseball is going to get on the radio, that's the only place it will happen unless CJTR is interested.

-- I gotta wonder how Flyers fans are feeling today. I still don't understand those moves--especially the one to trade Mike Richards. Yeah, it was all done to get Bryzgalov signed, but that's another story in itself.

--My golf game truly sucks! Its extremely bad this year. Perhaps July will bring better fortunes.

--I predict the NFL lockout will be over before July 15. Is that the reason why I haven't seen any NFL preview mags on store shelves. Why don't Regina stores sell Pro Football Weekly anymore?

--Do cats burp?


  1. Anonymous6/24/2011

    I can't see Tambellini trading #1 unless he gets an impact player in return and he is still in the top 10. I wonder if Philly dangled Richards or Carter to Edmonton.


  2. Anonymous6/24/2011

    Without his stache, Eddie Johnson is trash. Bring it back Eddie!! Bring it back!!!

  3. Anonymous6/24/2011

    Those that like baseball and don't go see the Red Sox don't know what they are missing. Gary Brotzel and Bernie Eiswirth put in a lot of work for that team and their efforts should be rewarded.


  4. Anonymous6/24/2011

    The reason you probably leave Harvard with a good feeling after the show is because at that place they know sports and you are dealing with people that know sports while at the other place, well you know. I like the other guys Roddie has on with him, but I would love to see you two do that show each and every day. Roddie knows that too because I've told him.

  5. Anonymous6/24/2011

    Did the Bombers, Packers or Seahawks ever ask Jon Ryan to be a field goal kicker? NO! They know he is a punter. The Riders know Eddie is a punter, but they want to turn him into a kicker. The experiment isn't going to work so concede defeat and move on.


  6. Anonymous6/24/2011

    If Craven is a go, it will be a huge disaster. They would be smart to cancel it for a year.


  7. Anonymous6/24/2011

    I could see Tambellini making a deal to get into the top 10 involving 19 and a player like Cogliano or Gagner.

  8. Anonymous6/24/2011

    Why do the Oilers need defencemen? They have Colton Teubert don't they. Oh wait!


  9. Anonymous6/24/2011

    I echo anonymous' thoughts on your feelings after the show. I'm not a Drew Remenda fan and I never have been.


  10. Anonymous6/24/2011

    Some Adam Geiger love in the paper today. NICE!!! He'll owe Slater for that.

  11. The draft is in St. Paul...

  12. Anonymous6/25/2011

    The Cage is great but please get rid of Duke Myers....he's beyond painful.
