
Thursday, June 16, 2011

My Realtor---And Maybe Yours Too Ladies and Gentlemen

So there I am watching the tremendous coverage of the riot on CTV Vancouver (led I might add by the best damn reporter I've ever worked with---former CJME senior reporter Les Staff) while on the computer last night. I'm going through Twitter and I'm going through Facebook when I see my friend and my realtor Craig Adam sending a pic from the riot scene in Vancouver. I texted him to see if he was OK and where he was. This is what I get in response...

Yes, he's a block away from the action, but at a time where a city is burning because of young thugs he finds time for a photo op. Unreal!! Surprising though---absolutely not! Well done Pek!


  1. Anonymous6/16/2011

    HA HA HA HA HA!!!

  2. 75flyersbestteamever6/16/2011

    I bet Craig could get a few listings from damaged VCR property owners wanting to get the ____ outta there after last nite.
    "great downtown location; fixer-uppers ready for cash buyers--must tolerate invading/pillaging Viking-like behaviour from hordes every couple years..tolerance to Mace or Pepper spray an asset...call___ now"
    --it would be a great ad.
    Keep your chin up VCR, whenever God burns down a door he smashes open a window.(oh hell even the Big Guy can't support that action)

  3. Anonymous6/16/2011

    That shirt should alone get him a beating.
