
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Rome's SC Final Is Done

The Boston Bruins announced this morning Nathan Horton will not play for the remainder of the Stanley Cup final because of the concussion he received last nite via the cheapshot from Vancouver defenceman Aaron Rome. Rome's SC final is done as well. The NHL has suspended him for four games as a result of the hit. Justice?


  1. Justice, the hit was just so extremely late. I mean really who cares if Aaron Rome plays or not, the trade off just isn't fair, sixth or seventh defenseman for first line scorer. Somehow this should hurt Van as much as it does the Bruins...........which it obviously does not.

  2. Anonymous6/07/2011

    no way he should have been suspended for this slightly late hit- Horton has to keep his head up-- that was minor league of him to sit and admire his nice pass...

    Bruins will now have to contend with Ballard--- good luck with that.

  3. Anonymous6/07/2011

    Hey Ed, did Boston have any trouble scoring after the first line scorer was knocked out and the sixth defensemen was kicked out?

    Didn't think so...

  4. Anonymous6/07/2011

    So if the series is over in 6 games is he suspended for the first game of next year?

  5. Re: anon......scruff asked if justice was served with the was not justice suspending a marginal defenseman when compared to taking out a leading scorer. Kinda typical Van fan here where common sense and logic are lost, but did you think about that

    didn't think so.
