
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Shakeup Begins In Riderville

When the Riders start practicing for Sunday's game in Montreal, one player who will not be on the field is defensive back Tad Kornegay.  He twittered this just before 10 o'clock tonight...

#RiderNation sorry to say but as of Midnight I will no longer be a Roughrider. Placed on waivers. Wish it wasn't true.

Reaction has been quick via Twitter

Shomari Williams -- I will never understand this business at a loss for words right now.
Luc Mullinder -- I hate this business. Absolutely numb right now

Kornegay has also Tweeted that he will wait until tomorrow (Wednesday) before airing things out and that knowing him, it should be interesting.  He has also tweeted that he feels bad for the locker room and that they should have known he was the gatekeeper.


  1. Anonymous7/19/2011

    Is he being made an example of? Maybe time to show that nobody is on scholarship.

  2. Anonymous7/19/2011

    offense sucks and we get rid of best db

  3. Anonymous7/19/2011

    Kornegay goes and Lucas stays. There's something wrong with that.


  4. Anonymous7/19/2011

    We're all thinking it so I will say it. When does Tad sign with the Eskimos?


  5. Anonymous7/19/2011

    Lets face the facts here. Kornegay was a 2nd rate defensive back before Etch came here. He went back to being that under Richie. This doesn't surprise me.


  6. Anonymous7/19/2011

    X2 to what LD says

  7. Anonymous7/20/2011

    I like Tad, but don't you think he has gone a little overboard with his tweets. He's making it sound like its all about him. If this is the way he was in the room, perhaps this is a good thing.


  8. Anonymous7/20/2011

    Tillman will get Tad Kornegay and he'll return to 2009 CFL West All-Star status.
    It was Lucas who was the 13th man, not Kornegay.

  9. Anonymous7/20/2011

    Great move Riders. That will really smarten Doug Berry up.

  10. Mike from Vita, MB7/20/2011

    This shakeup may be worth the price of admission.

  11. Tad kept complaining pubicly so I can only imagine he was doing the same in the locker room. THAT CANNOT happen. He is not the boss. SHUT UP AND PLAY

  12. Anonymous7/20/2011

    Another CFL team will get a decent DB and he will make us pay when we play him. This has just made an already long season longer. Can't believe the defence is taking it on the chin when our offense can sustain a drive.

    Don't bet against Montreal this weekend - heck the Riders are playing so well they took the last couple of days off.

    Iron Mike

  13. Is this just a dislike for Kornegay's play or are they thinking of cleaning house in the defensive backfield?

  14. Anonymous7/20/2011

    Whoa, whoa, whoa!! Rider fans are wanting changes because the team is playing poorly. A change is made and the howls of derision begin. What do you want? Did anyone see Kornegay get burned time and time again last week in Hamilton? I think this move is a good one.

