
Saturday, July 16, 2011


All I can say right now is this.  If you thought it was bad before, just wait. You ain't seen nothing yet!


  1. Anonymous7/16/2011

    do you mean the the team or the media?

  2. Anonymous7/16/2011

    Mrs. Miller, will you please let your husband coach our team again?

  3. Anonymous7/16/2011

    A month and a half ago we had the best coaching staff in the CFL and now we are the laughingstocks of the league. What's it gonna be people? Either let Marshall and his group do his thing or call for wholesale change and bitch at the next group. The season is over!

    peter dalla riva

  4. Anonymous7/16/2011

    I just went to RONA and bought myself some Rider bricks. They are laying them bigtime!

  5. Anonymous7/16/2011

    Special Teams- Brutal

    I am embarassed to be a Rider Fan tonight


  6. Anonymous7/16/2011

    That type of performance hasn't been seen around here since the Ray Jauch era! Hopson has to be wondering if Marshall was the right choice after that one.

  7. Anonymous7/16/2011

    I can't open that page

  8. Anonymous7/16/2011

    Losses to Montreal and Calgary and that will be it for the legendary coaching career of Greg Marshall. That effort today was perhaps the most uninspiring effort I have ever seen from a football team at any level.

  9. Anonymous7/16/2011

    How about a loss to MTL next week, then a loss to CGY, a loss to BC and another loss to CGY for a lovely 0-7 start? Not likely, but it could happen.

  10. Anonymous7/16/2011

    last year after Miller lost 4 in a row the morons were calling for his head! He lucked out and we got to the GC game but lost of course. Some people in Riders management were fooling themselves thinking the Riders were OK. Minor tweaking and back to the big game. Wrong! Too much lost talent, poor replacements, and prima donnas still basking in the glory of a Grey Cup win four years ago. Since the mid point of last year the riders are 4-8 regular season. Marshall wasn't the coach last year. Miller had been playing with someone elses talent and knew it was time to go. This is a purple pee poor team boys and girls. It's all about the talent or should I say lack of it.
