
Friday, August 12, 2011


I'm at a loss for words. In my wildest dreams, I didn't think the Riders would be 1-6 this season. While the offence has had its problems, they put up 35 points on this night, but the defence allowed 45 and they looked bad in doing so.

So much I could say, but you can go right ahead. Let er rip!!!


  1. Anonymous8/13/2011

    Yeh, the offence put up 35 points but you gotta put it in perspective. Calgary could have played second stringers for the entire second half and still won.
    Richie Hall and Doug Berry have to go or you're going to get awful tired of defending them.

  2. Anonymous8/13/2011

    I don't want to be called a bandwagon jumper so I'll just say, 'be patient' we might win another game this year.

  3. Mike from Vita, MB8/13/2011

    Maybe the Riders have to do what Toronto did and can the DC. Absolutely atrocious!!

  4. Anonymous8/13/2011

    On the bright side - Hugh Charles, Efrim Hill and Shomari Williams. Darian played good enough to win and his stats would have been even more impressive save for the passes into the hands that were dropped and the horrible interception (should have run Hugh Charles from the 5 on one of the plays). The team is a work in progress and with a couple of key additions (say Chick and Fantuz) our confidence would surge and there would be another run to the Grey Cup. All we can do now is hope for the best.

  5. Anonymous8/13/2011

    Chick is not coming back, he is standing out at Indianapolis Colt's camp so far.
    Scary part about this years team is people are becoming indifferent about things. I have some friends that are 20 year diehard season ticket holders and they left at half time last night. First time they have done that ever.

  6. Anonymous8/13/2011

    Hopson has had it easy ever since he took over with a winning culture. The culture has changed. Its time for Jim to stand up and show us what type of Prez he is by making the right moves. With a short week, I don't expect change, but I do before Labour Day with the team having a bye week.


  7. Anonymous8/13/2011

    The S stands for Saskatchewan and it also stands for SUCK!

  8. Anonymous8/13/2011

    Anyone want to build a $450 Million dollar dome now ?

  9. West Central Dave8/13/2011

    The Rider's record has nothing to do with whether or not to build a new stadium. The old one does. It should be condemned. Time for a new one & do it right the first time. Multi-purpose & retractable roof. I can't wait to be able to convert my Rider season tickets into seats in the new building. Strive to achieve a "state of the art" structure and it will pay dividends in the future. That's makes more sense than wishing you had done it right the first time. As far as the Riders go, yeah, they need big time help. Do I know what for sure? No. But like any other tough project in life you keep on trying till you find the right combination that works. I, like many others, would like to think I know what they should do. But in reality, there is probably a good reason I'm in the occupation I'm in and not part of running a pro football team. Patience, it will turn around again. Likely not as fast as I/we would like though.

  10. Anonymous8/14/2011

    I'm in for the dome

  11. Anonymous8/14/2011

    the defence did not give up 45 they gave up 38 and the offense gave up 7

  12. Anonymous8/14/2011

    Let's build the dome. What a couple losses and we quit?

  13. Anonymous8/14/2011

    Will the media finally grow a set and ask about the org structure? Seriously, who is calling the shots for this team? Too many cooks in the kitchen obviously.
