
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Marshall Says GoodBye and Lets Feelings Be Known

In what was a classy move, Greg Marshall faced the media to answer questions about what happened to him and what the future may hold. Marshall was thankful for the opportunity he was given, but as you will hear, he does not agree with what has happened.

Marshall Aug20 by mitchellblair


  1. Anonymous8/20/2011

    Sounds like Miller won't be getting an Xmas card from Marshall any time soon.


  2. 13 games left in the season Mitch. Do you believe in signs?
    a losing record in the last 13 leage games means that there is more to fix than just removing those two. Somehow, the tone of Marshall's didn't surprise me. he's pretty bitter and still doesn't get the whole picture. The players weren't inspired by him. There was respect, but not the controlled emotion that you need on the sideline and in the pre-game talk.

  3. Anonymous8/20/2011

    At no point though did he stand up and say he couldn't get what was needed out of his players. Take some responsibility!!!!

  4. Anonymous8/20/2011

    So in closing, thank you Ken for hiring me and screw you for firing me because it was a mistake. Ummmmmmm....................

  5. Anonymous8/20/2011

    Good for ya Greg. This team did make a mistake and they gave up on you way too soon. I will admit he made a poor choice as to who his OC should be, but he didn't have the talent here. I blame Taman for that. Injuries didn't help, but where was the help on the d-line, why tell Szarka he is done on the eve of camp, etc. etc. etc. He walked into what he thought was a good situation and it went bad before his very eyes.

  6. Anonymous8/20/2011

    Lest we not forget Miller IS Tamans boss so ALL decisions are decided by Miller.I certainly hope the right decision re Marshall was made.

  7. Anonymous8/20/2011

    He never once admitted to making any mistakes, playing the victim in my opinion. The easy way out sure it is easy to admit that you hired the wrong guy.

  8. Anonymous8/20/2011

    Greg Marshall made his own bed when he consented to go with Richie Hall and Doug Berry as coordinators.

  9. Thanks for posting Mitch. A classy move?! I watched the video of this presser and he really came across like a pompous a**, just like I thought he was. See ya.
    "A coach who bonds with players, gets the best out of his/her players"!

  10. Anonymous8/20/2011

    He said he thought that when there is a bump in the road he would have the time to fix it. A week ago when he was asked 'what's wrong?' he said I don't know, if you do let me know. That kinda sounds like 'fire me' I can't fix it because I don't know what's wrong.

  11. Anonymous8/20/2011

    Do you really think that Marshall had any say in maintaining Berry and hiring Hall over Etchevery? Was it Marshall's fault that Fantuz left, that Bagg and Congi couldn't mend in time? Was it Marshall's fault that dynamic defensive ends were not scouted? Did Marshall have any say into the Szarka fiasco, or the Chunky Adams, Omar Morgan cuts (team leaders). What about the Kornegay release that was said to have been made for financial reasons (How much was just wasted on the two coach firings). Was it Marshall's fault that Stevie Baggs and Rey Williams were not resigned?

    The only big mistake was agreeing to sign with the Roughriders, but after being turned down 6 times or so, and being offered what $200,000 a year for three years, Marshall would have been crasier not to.

    Your absolutely right Greg,Lancaster showed us, and here's hoping you do as well.

    P.S. Did Miller provide any guidance,and did Taman bring in any real talent other than Bomber rejects?

  12. Anonymous8/20/2011

    I was tickled pink about Berry being canned but I wasn't sure about Greg Marshall. After watching Marshall's 'day after' media session I'm in total agreement with running him out of town. What an A$%#^*e, no wonder nobody would play for him.

  13. Anonymous8/20/2011

    He's leaving bitter not better.

  14. Anonymous8/20/2011

    Vanstone mentioned it in his column today. The first game of the year TSN shows the most lackadaisical pre-game speech by Marshall while Kavis Reed rips the paint off the wall. Marshall lulled his guys to sleep. This was a great move by the Riders and they will be better from here on out.


  15. Mike from Vita, MB8/21/2011

    Interesting comments, both pro and con. There is plenty of blame to go around. So far, only a few have fessed up and taken ownership. Would be interesting to speak to Darian, off the record, to hear what he has to say.

  16. Anonymous8/21/2011

    As usual, Marshall blamed others and accepted no responsibility. Consistency at last!

  17. Anonymous8/21/2011

    Where did Miller gain the managerial knowledge to fire the Marshall? They guy spent most his career coaching non name colleges and high school sports. He couldn't win a Grey Cup, cant scout and sure as hell can't manage. He was loved by a dressing room that had few boundrys and could do what they wanted. Coddled prima dona by grandpa. Who could compete with that? Then hang around the sidelines while the coach is trying to coach is a bit distracting. He's a meddling old fart that should be sent packing at seasons end. Why should Marshall be concillatory and kiss ass after this a shaft job. This had nothing to do with the dressing roon or guys playing for the "Gipper". This was because we never found defensive ends, couldn't find one quality receiver even though Arland Bruce was available. Buono didn't make that mistake. We could not find a place kicker who could make a 30 yard field goal. Miller never got him the talent and when the crap started to hit the fan, Miller "BLAMED" Marshall and Berry for his incompetence. Marshall has every right to be pissed because he got shafted. We are a disrespectful organization who look very bush. Nobody in the CFL is concerned with Miller or the under talented Riders. Check it out; a lot of teams are better than last year. We're not. Now Miller can sign the 500K severence cheque for Greg. And lots out there love this guy and think things will change???
