
Monday, August 22, 2011

Swaggerville Isn't Happy With Riderville

It seems people in Winnipeg (at least this columnist) aren't happy with the fact Rider billboards are popping up around town and he wants to do something about it. I say bring it on!!!!


  1. Anonymous8/22/2011

    Labor Day must be approaching. i love this time of year.


  2. Mike from Vita, MB8/22/2011

    Wheeler is a knob! He needs to come to Regina and answer the bell for talking smack.

  3. Lee-Anne8/22/2011

    Do all people from Winnipeg breathe only from their mouth, or is it just a select few? Surprised this guy could pick his knuckles up off the ground long enough to type something stupid! Now Bomber fans talk trash....where have you guys been the last few years? The basement! "Swaggerville"? Market it now, fame is fleeting!

  4. Anonymous8/22/2011

    1) it's Wheeler, c'mon. I worked with him. Great guy, stirring the pot because that's what he does best.
    2) he works FOR the Bombers doing their in-crowd contesting.
    3) it's funny.


  5. Anonymous9/01/2011

    its funny what lee anne said here........wheeler is a moron ill grant u that most of us winnipeggers hate him...however, how many grey cups have you won in the 100 years u been in least the bombers made it to the grey cup 23 times in our many cups you actually won? Dont talk about bomber history you are doomed to repeat yours if you do lol
