
Saturday, August 27, 2011

This And That

Is this the last official weekend of summer with the kids going back to school on Tuesday or does the Labour Day weekend signify the last official weekend of the summer. Does it really matter? Walk into a place like Walmart or Staples or Zellers and the money is flying out of there as parents buy their kids school supplies, clothes, etc. etc. One of the TV stations did a story on how much it costs for school supplies. I forget what station it was, but I thought the total was high compared to what Mrs. Scruffy and I paid for Rugrat A and Rugrat B. Rugrat A starts Grade 12 meaning next year its University time and then the cost factor will rise significantly.
Speaking of Rugrat A, she got her drivers licence this week. So far, so good! Lets hope it stays that way.
Did TSN's Sara Orlesky unintentionally issue a challenge via her Twitter feed on Friday night. The lovely and talented Orlesky (who by the way could make the flip to ESPN immediately) said she hasn't been in a stadium this year that was as loud as what Canad Inns Stadium was last night. I don't know about you, but I think its time for 30-thousand and some to change Sara's mind next Sunday when the LDC hits. Whaddaya think Rider fans, are you up to that challenge? Why not!!
Rob Vanstone's column in today's paper in which he "welcomes" back the players from bye week is one of the best pieces the rumpled scribe has ever written in my opinion. He's not wrong! You can read that piece right here
It will be an interesting afternoon at Mosaic Stadium tomorrow as the Saskatchewan Roughriders return after having the bye week to start getting ready for the Bombers. I am guessing many fans will show up to practice to see if there is a difference with Ken Miller once again calling the shots. I think Ken knows full well what the mission is and what happens if he doesn't meet that mission and turn things around. I also believe Ken is confident he can do it and that he will do it. He also seems to have a little excitement in his voice as he gets set to grab the clipboard again. We'll see.
I am not the Rod Black hater that many seem to be, but I would have no problem if TSN replaced one Rod with another on CFL telecasts as I thought Rod Smith did a helluva job last nite. Rod does CIS games so why not elevate him to another level. Perhaps its because of his daily Sportscenter gig, but I would approve that change if it were made. After all, is there any other Rod to listen to when it comes to play by play. Oh yeah, there's that guy in Regina.
Speaking of Rod Pedersen, I hope you had a chance to catch Thursday's "Sportscage" when the show was broadcast from Estevan where the TSN Kraft Celebration Tour was being held. It was an outstanding two hours of radio and dare I say it as someone who has been involved with that project since Day 1, it might have been the best show ever. You could just feel the energy and the pride coming through the radio. It was great stuff.
Madden 12 comes out this week. I played the demo earlier this week and all I can say is how much and when I can make the purchase. WOW!!!!
Why haven't I been to Target Field in Minneapolis?
I sincerely hope the Regina Red Sox can build off the momentum of their championship season when it comes to season ticket sales and sponsorship. A lot of Regina businesses have thrown some dough the Red Sox's way, but a lot of others haven't been exactly warm to the idea of it. I hope that have been lukewarm see what type of work Rob Cherepuschak, Bernie Eiswirth and Gary Brotzel are doing and get behind the team because they deserve it.
I am in 4 Fantasy Football Leagues this year. Why do I do this to myself?
US College Football starts Thursday night and the NFL season is now just a couple of heartbeats away. YESSSS!!!! Nothing against the CFL, but I love me my football and will watch it all if I get the chance.
How badly do you think the Yankees want to get rid of AJ Burnett?
How much of an impact has Brett Lawrie had on young Canadian baseball players. ESPN's introduction of the Canadian team (from Lawrie's home province of BC) at the Little League World Series asked each player for his favourite major leaguer and about half said Lawrie. Many others said Jose Bautista.
How much money does the Tim Hortons at Co-Operators Centre rake in once hockey season starts?
If you have read this blog, you know I've been in a CFL blogging contest. This is the last week and the more unique visits the better, here is a link to all four articles that I have posted. If you haven't already, take a look at them right here. Its gonna be close, but I may be able to win this thing and the first place $$$$ that goes with it, but some help would be appreciated.
The UFC is in Rio tonight. That should be wild!!
Enjoy your weekend!


  1. Anonymous8/27/2011

    Was at Target Field about 3 weeks ago. Beautiful ball park.


  2. Mike from Vita, MB8/27/2011

    You are in 4 NFL fantasy leagues because you give a damn about your Sunday's from September till December. What would you rather be doing on a Sunday...moving furniture? Redecorating the house? NOT!!

  3. Anonymous8/27/2011

    Rob's column is bang on. I couldn't agree more!

    peter dalla riva

  4. Anonymous8/27/2011

    I agree with Todd. I was at one of the first games at Target Field last year and I went to the season finale against the Jays and a playoff game against the Yankees. I've been to 14 ML parks and its the nicest.


  5. Anonymous8/28/2011

    The Red Sox deserve fan support, corporate support and a better facility. I like Currie Field, but I know something better can be done.


  6. Anonymous8/28/2011

    Currie Field is great, it is the seating that is the problem A couple hundred grand and they can build 1,000 seats behind home plate and down 1st and 3rd.

    Build it and they will come!!!!

