
Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Plot Thickens

I don't if I've ever seen a Labour Day that has as many sidebars as the actual Riders-Bombers game itself. Where does one start? I will do so with the fact that Andy Fantuz is back in Regina. He spoke with the LP's Rob Vanstone this morning. Here is that conversation.

Shortly before Ken Miller spoke to the media, we got word that John Chick has been released by the Indianapolis Colts. Could this mean he is enroute to Regina? I would think Chick has an opportunity to join another NFL team especially after the pre-season he had, but he has indicated he would rather play on Sundays than sit on a practice roster. I'm starting to wonder if #'s 83 and 97 will both be back and if they are how it changes the profile of the 11 Riders and the CFL as a whole.

(picture courtesy Sask Roughriders)

As all of this was going on, many packed the park for SGI Family Fun Day and those in attendance got to see Ken Miller actually dance. I was busy talking to Jim Hopson at the time so I didn't see it, but CTV's Lee Jones will have it on his 6 o'clock report and on TSN later today. Look for it.

Here are the thoughts of Miller and some players going into tomorrow....


  1. Anonymous9/03/2011

    Am I the only one thinking a GC is not out of the question with Fantuz, Congi, Koch, Wheelwright and now maybe Chick returning. We're the best 1-7 team in history!!!


  2. Anonymous9/03/2011

    Thanks for the time today Mitch. I'm the guy that thinks you and Pedersen should be a daily occurrence on the Cage. I enjoyed the chat. Keep up the good work.


  3. Anonymous9/03/2011

    I still don't think Chick is coming back here. I hope I'm wrong but he had too good of a camp not to be noticed by someone.
