
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Riders War Amp Ad Debuts Monday

Oct. 4, 2011 /CNW/ - Losing part of her right leg in a boating accident has given Rebecca Mideros, 7, a special interest in spreading The War Amps PLAYSAFE message to other children.
This past summer, Rebecca, who has been named The War Amps National Safety Ambassador, joined Saskatchewan Roughrider stars Darian Durant, Weston Dressler, Chris Getzlaf and Lance Frazier to film a new War Amps PLAYSAFE public service announcement at Regina's Mosaic Stadium.   The PSA will begin airing this Thanksgiving Monday during TSN football telecasts and will continue through the CFL Playoffs and the 99th Grey Cup®.  It can also be viewed on The War Amps YouTube channel at
Rebecca was enrolled in The War Amps Child Amputee (CHAMP) Program shortly after her accident and now uses her experience to pass on the PLAYSAFE message to other children by riding the Association's PLAYSAFE/DRIVESAFE float in parades and through this PSA.
"We are so excited and proud to see Rebecca in this public service message.  The War Amps has helped our family so much to cope with Rebecca's injury in such a positive way," said Rebecca's mother Sandra.  "We are honoured that she was chosen as National Safety Ambassador for the Association."
For more than 30 years, The War Amps and CFL® have shared a special tradition - the annual CFL PLAYSAFE PSA, saluting the League's support of The War Amps safety program. Like all War Amps productions, the PSA is funded by corporate sponsors.
"The Roughrider organization is thrilled to be partnering with The War Amps this year," stated Roughrider President/CEO Jim Hopson.  "The message they deliver is so vital to the health and safety of kids everywhere and we are pleased to assist in helping kids PLAYSAFE."

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