
Sunday, October 2, 2011

Searching For Positives

I think its safe to say the Rider season is done. The team can still make the playoffs, but after what we've seen the last couple of weeks, I think even the most hard-core Rider fan can see the writing on the wall. There are some positives though

1) Don't have to feel like crap and mope about a GC loss the way you have the past two years
2)Get a head start on Christmas shopping
3) Hockey season starts this week
4) The NFL season is only a month old so there is a lot of football left to watch. Add NCAA and CIS to that mix
5) The Pats are 4-1

Ya see, there are things to look forward to. Not all is lost

Week 4 NFL Lock Of The Week---Bills over Bengals
Week 4 NFL Upset Of The Week---Raiders over Patriots (Did I really type that??)

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