
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A CFL With 12 Or More Teams??

The CFL currently has eight franchises with plans for a 9th in Ottawa. You have to think the league is seriously exploring the Maritimes to get a team in there some day. The Conference Board of Canada feels there are several cities that are ready for CFL football and they have issued a release on where they feel the league could go and prosper. Read that release right here and then tell me if you think these places could thrive or not.


  1. Mike from Vita, MB11/22/2011

    yes there should be a team in Atlantic Canada. Not sure if another team should be in the 401 til the Argo situation is straightened out. Quebec City....they have the university interest...can that be parlayed into CFL? Not sure.

  2. Anonymous11/22/2011

    I think 10 is optimal. There would be an even schedule that way, and the talent should still be pretty good.

    Thinking Ottawa and Moncton would be best. Southern Ontario is already saturated with CFL and NFL (which was alluded to). And that way, the CFL is truly coast to coast

    Little Johnny

  3. Anonymous11/22/2011

    try 10 teams first

    Ottawa and then a team in Atlantic Canada.

  4. Anonymous11/22/2011

    ottawa / maritimes , 10 teams move winnipeg back to the west where they belong

  5. Put a team in Saskatoon and see if they can win a Grey Cup before the Riders win their next one.....
