
Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Speculation Ends

The Saskatchewan Roughriders have called a 3 pm news conference to announce what is believed to be a new head coach. Sportsnet's Arash Madani says the team will announce Hamilton defensive co-ordinator Corey Chamblin is the man. He was supposedly the man last year, but Ken Miller over-ruled Brendan Taman and went with Greg Marshall. We will see what transpires. Later!


  1. Anonymous12/15/2011

    Wait a minute. Didn't we get Hamilton's DC last year as HC. How did that work out? OH NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

    Terry C

  2. Anonymous12/15/2011

    This is what Brendan wanted last year so now he gets it. Did Dave D do that bad in his intvw. Does he end up in Hamilton now? Any word on the assistant coaches. If Chamblin is a defensive guy, I'm guessing Richie Hall is done.

  3. Anonymous12/15/2011

    Excellent choice. Maybe Dave D didn't want the job. Let's get behind these guys.
    Go Riders

  4. Anonymous12/15/2011

    Richie isn't going anywhere. Chamblin said in press conference that he isn't the offence or defence coach...that's what coordinators are there for.

  5. Anonymous12/15/2011

    From what I heard, Dickenson failed the interview process terribly. If that is the case, I applaud Brendan for finding the right guy. This only makes me wonder what might have happened last year if Miller hadn't gotten his way and gone with Marshall.

